By Mark Milioni, president of Baptist Bible College, Springfield, MO
Read Proverbs 14.
You’ve probably heard the old saying, “What’s in the well comes up in the bucket.” This phrase could be the subtitle for Proverbs 14.
Verse 3 tells us that our words will either get us in trouble or keep us out of trouble. Verse 12 contains a powerful reminder of how the ways of man fail and lead to death, and in verse 34, we read that righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach.
Our words, our ways, and our choices are all a reflection of our heart. What we say and do is a result of our focus. A heart that is full of God will be seen, heard, and bless others. A heart filled with evil words, thoughts, and desires will lead to difficulties, destruction, and death.
There are two essential considerations. First, is the well of your heart contaminated or poisoned? Second, do your words (even online) or actions hurt others, or get you in trouble?
You can’t draw water from an empty well. We must fill our thirsty soul with the fresh and pure Word of God. Have you done that today?
Whatever I think about is what I am becoming. Click To TweetWhatever I think about is what I am becoming. What is in the well of my heart?
Reflection Questions:
- Have I said anything recently that did not honor the Lord?
- Can you recall how a selfish choice may have hurt your life or someone you love?
- Would you pray right now for the Lord to fill your heart with His love and kindness?
Memory Verse:
In the mouth of a fool is a rod of pride, but the lips of the wise will preserve them. Proverbs 14:3
Dear God, thank you for the fresh and pure Word of God. Help me to think on the Word of God so I can become more like the Son of God.
Click here to see a listing of each daily devotion.
Great prayer: “Help me to think on the Word of God, so I can become more like the Son of God.”