By Bill Carter, Retired Pastor of Heatheridge Baptist Church, Tulsa, OK
Read James 1:16-18.
Jake saw the beautifully wrapped birthday gift and set about unwrapping it.
His delight was evident when he saw the first corner of the box—a big front-end loader. It required a few parts to be assembled. No worries, he could do that. With eyes bursting, he flipped the switch! Nothing, nada, not even a whirr. He exclaimed loudly, “What! No batteries?”
James admonishes believers not to be deceived about God’s gifts. Not all His gifts come with beautiful wrapping. Some come in the form of trials. In James chapter one, verse eleven, we see that God’s gifts are given with the thought of strengthening the believer. The goal is that God’s children may walk closer to Him.
Unlike Jake’s dilemma, when God brings a trial into our path, rather than our being disturbed or perturbed, He wants us to approach His throne to seek an influx of His power to sustain us. The more of God’s power we exercise, the more it increases.
I am reminded of the disciples in Matthew chapter sixteen. In the last few days, they witnessed Jesus feeding crowds of possibly 15,000 and 12,000. How quickly they forgot those miracles and were concerned about what to eat for supper. God will provide what is needed at the moment and for the moment.
God will provide what is needed at the moment and for the moment.
James counters the negative approach to life’s trials with the positive approach of understanding that God’s trials are good gifts. God’s unfathomable love wants the effect of the trial to be a more intimate relationship with Him.
The gift-trials of God are good in that they are for our benefit and perfect in that they include all of God’s purposes at that moment.
Over time, some believers begin to think forgiveness and blessings are like the rising and setting of the sun. Before we get comfortable with ourselves, as did Adam and Eve when they thought God was holding back from them and owed them, we must understand God does not owe us anything! His choice was to love us and provide a means of forgiveness of our sins. Our contribution to the cost of our salvation was a big fat zero. God’s love purposed and accomplished His will.
Jake’s going to enjoy his front-end loader. Yet, he will have to replace the batteries as they weaken. With every one of God’s trial gifts, He gives the power required. We need never to exclaim, “What? No batteries?” Amen!
Our contribution to the cost of our salvation was a big fat zero.
Reflective Questions:
- What are three good trial gifts that God has given you?
- What is one failure on God’s part with which you can fault Him?
- What trial gift are you in today? How can you praise God for what He is teaching you?
Memory Verse:
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. James 1:17
Dear Lord, help me not to be deceived or misled. Help me to understand that every good and perfect gift comes down from heaven from You. Help me also to see every trial that comes into my life as an opportunity to grow closer to You.
Related Scriptures:
Galatians 6:7; John 3:27; Matthew 7:11; Hebrews 13:8; I John 1:5; Numbers 23:19; I Peter 1:23; John 1:13; Romans 8:29-31
Excellent, loved it!
Wonderful devotion. Loved it and thanks to Bro. Bill for sharing it for us to enjoy.
Praise God for resurrection power within us that never fades!