We are just a little over one week away from one of my favorite weeks of the year, Fellowship Week at Mission University (April 30 – May 3, 2024). Fellowship Week changed for me after moving to Springfield almost nine years ago. I no longer have to make a long drive or hop on an airplane, and I get to sleep in my own bed every night. Those things I definitely am thankful for. There are a few things that I always look forward to, like spending time with friends and hearing how God is at work all across the world.
I believe this year’s meeting will be a little extra special. There are two reasons at the top of my list that people will be talking about for years to come. Allow me to share the top ten reasons I am looking forward to Fellowship Week this year.
1.) The New Mission Office Grand Opening
On Thursday afternoon, at approximately 12:30 PM, the BBFI Mission Office will host a ribbon-cutting and building dedication for its new 13,000-square-foot office. I recently visited the new campus, and I believe everyone is going to love it. Once it is all completed, the entire campus will be a huge blessing to missionaries (event center, short-term hotel-style apartments, and long-term duplex-style units). This alone should be a reason to attend Fellowship Week this year.
2.) Mission University Celebration Reception
On Tuesday night, immediately following the evening service, Mission University is hosting a reception in the cafeteria to recognize the hard work that went into the name change and rebranding of Baptist Bible College to Mission University.
3.) Church Planting Hour (and Luncheon)
A relatively new “normal” addition to our Fellowship Meetings has been a designated Church Planting Hour. This will take place on Wednesday morning at 9:00 AM. This year, there will be four new church planters to be approved, as well as testimonies from two others who have recently launched new churches. These new churches represent states from coast to coast, literally from Maine to California. There is also a luncheon for church planters on Wednesday, May 1, at 1:00 PM at the Houlihan’s located at the intersection of Kearney and Glenstone.
4.) Missions Morning
What is commonly referred to as “Missions Morning” is an annual favorite for many. This morning is highlighted by approving new missionaries, hearing testimonies of God’s work around the world, and recognizing men and women who have given their lives to missionary work for decades. This year, three new career missionary couples are scheduled to be approved. Missions Morning is Thursday, May 2, starting at 10:00 AM.
5.) World-Class Speakers
I appreciate the theme for this year’s Fellowship Week, which is “Apologetics.” President Milioni is bringing in a great group of world-class speakers to address this important topic. Each speaker is not only highly credentialed but also experts in their respective fields of study. We should all walk away from the week challenged.
6.) Fellowship of Retired Ministry Leaders Luncheon
A few years ago, my home pastor and spiritual mentor, Don Elmore, asked me to help him with something. He probably realized that it was almost impossible for me ever to tell him no, so I drove down to Arkansas to hear him out. He had a dream of somehow organizing a group for retired BBFI pastors and missionaries. We got to work and had our first gathering during the Fellowship Meeting at Park Crest Baptist Church in September 2022. It was such a hit that we followed it up with another luncheon during last year’s Fellowship Week. This year, there is another luncheon on Wednesday, May 1, at approximately 1:00 PM or immediately following the morning services. Lunch will be provided by Mission University and will be held in the cafeteria.
7.) Important Business and Vision Casting
Yeah, yeah, I know. Business meetings aren’t always the most fun. I get it. But this isn’t just about business. It is about casting a vision for the future of the BBFI. I have always been highly interested in the nomination and election of the National Officer (the BBFI Executive Committee) since this group functions as my Board of Directors and, ultimately, my boss. This year, there will be at least three new men filling the open spots on the Executive Committee. The business meeting will be on Wednesday morning at the conclusion of the preaching service, usually around 11:30 AM or !2:00 PM.
8.) Commencement
How can you not enjoy commencement? For me, it is a little more special as I have had most of these students in my classroom. I no longer teach full-time at Mission University like I have the past few years, but I still know most of this year’s graduates. This is a great graduating class. I can’t wait to see what all God has in store for them and where they all end up serving Him. This year’s commencement speaker is Jim Baize, who is always a treat to listen to. Commencement is Friday morning at 10:00 AM.
9.) Mission University Baseball Game
Baseball is probably my favorite sport. That’s easy for me to say while my hometown, Arkansas Razorbacks, are currently #2 in America (and future College World Series champions). But I will say this, Mission University also has a really, really good team. If you are looking to enjoy a relaxing afternoon on an Ozark afternoon, you should take in the Mission University baseball game at the Ozark Mountain Stadium on Wednesday, May 1, at 1:00 PM.
10.) Lots of Food and Spending Time with Friends
Ok, so here is a not-so-great thing about Fellowship Meetings. It is not uncommon for me to gain a few pounds by the end of the week. I am not the one who looks forward to the Springfield Cashew Chicken or Mexican Villa experiences, but I always look forward to sitting down and enjoying a good meal with friends that I haven’t seen in a while. Springfield has more than enough options. If you haven’t been in town for a little while, there is now a Whataburger and a Chick-fil-A one mile away from campus. And if you want a nice sweet instead of Andy’s Custard, you can get a Crumble Cookie close by. I am getting hungry just thinking about it.
Well, that is my list. What is on yours? I look forward to seeing many of you in Springfield soon. Please keep on praying that God would meet with us, that He would be glorified, and that we will all leave challenged and encouraged.