This has been a difficult summer for the people of Australia. With the coming of summer also comes Bush Fire Season. Over the last several years, Australia has experienced some of the worst droughts in its history. This summer has differed from those of the past. While the Australian people are used to Bush Fire Season, no one could have predicted the devastation that has overtaken the country.
To date, over 12 million acres have been burned. Twenty-three people have lost their lives, including three members of the fire brigade. Many in coastal towns have had to take refuge on the beach where their only escape from the fire is the waves of the Pacific Ocean. The latest estimates are that these fires have killed around 1 Billion animals. It is believed that there are still around 200 fires burning all over the country. Every territory is experiencing this devastation, with the worst being in New South Wales.
Australia’s capital city, Canberra, is seeing rising levels of dangerous smoke. People are being asked to stay indoors, workers are being told not to come into work, and churches are choosing not to meet for worship so they don’t expose people to the toxic air. Some held impromptu prayer meetings earlier in the week, seeking God’s help in this time of crisis. This will most definitely be a summer that Australians never forget. How can you help? Let me give you three ways that you can pray.
1. Pray for Rain!
Australia seriously needs rain. These fires are raging. With all the dry grass and trees, the land is providing ample fuel for the fires to continue. This is making it almost impossible for those fighting the fires to get them under control. Rain is seriously needed and not just rain but storms with little wind and lightning. Please pray that God would send rain to Australia.
Please pray that God would send rain to Australia. Click To Tweet2. Pray for Wisdom!
Those in leadership need the wisdom to fight these fires correctly. As you can imagine, there are only so many people that are trained to fight fires. Pray the Rural Fire Service would have the wisdom needed to make sure that the resources they have are appropriately used, to not only put the fires out but to do so while keeping people safe. Also, pray for wisdom for the leaders in government. Resources are needed, and it is up to them to get these resources to the people in need. Pray for wisdom!
3. Pray for the People!
Please pray for God’s grace and mercy on the people in this situation. Many people have been dispersed, and to them, this is a severe crisis. Some were even forced into retreating to the beach and later had to be saved by Naval ships and helicopters. With homes destroyed and roads closed stopping others from returning home, many are finding themselves with nowhere to go. Other Australians are responding to this by opening their homes for people that have been less fortunate. In a situation like this, it becomes clear that as human beings, we are helpless. In this crisis, the opportunity for the spread of the good news of Jesus is enormous. Pray for Christians on the ground that they would respond by showing other Australians what the love of Jesus looks like. Pray that people far from God would consider their situation and realize their need for Him. Pray for God to be glorified in this crisis!
Pray for God to be glorified in this crisis! Click To TweetPlease pray for Australia!