The Worth of Wisdom

By Chris Highfill, pastor of Grace River Church, St. Peter’s, MO

Read Proverbs 8. 

Have you ever had a hard time understanding the worth of something? When I was a kid, I collected sports’ trading cards, including basketball, baseball, football, and even WWF wrestlers. I was obsessed with knowing the worth of each card. Today, I still sometimes struggle with the obsession of knowing the value of my possessions. 

An in-depth look at Proverbs 8 helps us to think about the worth of wisdom. Wisdom from God is a treasure. It’s hard to imagine someone acquiring a treasure and never using it. Like a sport’s trading card, we can put wisdom on a shelf and never cash in on its actual value. Verses 10 and 11 help us see we have this amazing treasure of instruction, knowledge, and wisdom that only comes from God. 

Even though we all have access to this wisdom, only a few understand the worth of this wisdom. When we know the worth, it changes the way we pursue God. Verse 35 illustrates the great reward of seeking wisdom. This is an example of the Old Testament foreshadowing the promise of Christ, “For whoever finds me finds life”. We find life when we find Christ. 

The day you surrendered your life to Jesus was the day you found life. The worth of that is priceless. Click To Tweet

Here is a thought for you to dwell on today. The day you surrendered your life to Jesus was the day you found life. The worth of that is priceless. Do not just shelf this treasure. Know the value of wisdom. Let’s use it and share it today!

Reflective Questions: 

  1. If wisdom has a worth like a treasure, how have you cashed in on it?  
  2. According to verse 35, what do we receive when we find God?  
  3. How can you apply wisdom in your life today?

Memory Verse:

For whoever finds me finds life, and obtains favor from the Lord. Proverbs 8:35


Dear God, thank you for entrusting me with the valuable possession of wisdom. Help me to not simply put it on a shelf to admire but apply it to my life every day.

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  1. Chris, thank you for pointing us to the person of Christ. The personification of wisdom in this passage is unmistakable and unavoidable. It shouts: Who is this person? I must know who this is!

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