by Jon Konnerup
The Mission Office strives to efficiently serve BBFI churches as we come alongside them and follow their leadership. We are not the sending agency; God gave that responsibility to the local church. But we regularly listen to pastors and work with the national leadership, missions committee, field representatives, supporting pastors, and sending pastors of each missionary.
We are also responsible stewards of the people and money you send through us. This has been our specialty for 67 years. Our goal is to handle finances and work with missionaries with the highest level of integrity and character.
How do we provide all this assistance? The Mission Office operates by faith, just as your missionaries. Your faithful financial and prayer support enables us to help missionaries. Not all sending churches can provide what we do. By financially supporting the Mission Office, you are supporting missions to the whole world. As you know, 100 percent of what comes in for a missionary goes to that missionary. This is unheard of in the world of missions and non-profits. One pastor put it this way:
“There is not another mission agency that does more for your missionaries for less cost than the BBFI Mission Office.”
Currently, 723 churches, seven businesses, and 389 individuals support the Mission Office. But, we process funds for 4,000 churches each month and 2,700 churches are listed in the BBFI Directory. In order to continue and grow, your Mission Office needs your help; we need more monthly supporters — both financially and prayerfully.