The Sanctity of Human Life: A Personal and Eternal Perspective

The Gift of Life

In 1984, President Ronald Reagan issued a presidential proclamation designating the third Sunday of January as National Sanctity of Human Life Day. This has become a day when churches and pro-life organizations across America come together to reflect on the value of every human life, from conception to natural death. 

After the elections of 2024, this day brings a new level of importance. Missouri, the state where I live, recently passed Amendment 3, an initiative guaranteeing “the right to reproductive freedom.” It was a devastating blow that shifted Missouri from being one of the most pro-life states in the country to one of the least. 

A Personal Heartbreak and a Profound Truth

The sanctity of life isn’t just a theological or political issue for me—it’s deeply personal. My wife and I were still in our first year of marriage when she shared the exciting news that we were expecting our first child. I still remember the excitement that filled our hearts and home as we prepared for this new chapter of life.

At our first doctor’s visit, everything looked great, and we eagerly scheduled the follow-up appointment, where we would hear our baby’s heartbeat for the first time. We even brought a brand-new VHS tape to record the ultrasound and capture the moment forever. But that day didn’t unfold as we had hoped.

When the ultrasound technician began, something felt off. The joy and anticipation turned to silence. I’ll never forget the look on the doctor’s face as he gently explained that there was no heartbeat. Our precious baby—whom we later learned was a girl—was gone. The news crushed us, and our hearts felt a pain we had never known before.

That moment solidified my belief in the sanctity of human life. It wasn’t theoretical. I knew our daughter wasn’t just a “potential” life—she was a real person, fearfully and wonderfully made by God. Even though her life was brief, it mattered. She mattered. And her absence left a void we still feel today.

God, the Creator and Sustainer of Life

As a Christian, I firmly believe that God is the author of life. Scripture makes this clear:

Psalm 139:13-14 says, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Jeremiah 1:5 tells us, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.”

These verses remind us that every human life begins at conception, is known by God, and is created with a unique purpose. Life is sacred because it comes from Him and is not ours to take or devalue.

The Darkness of Abortion

Since 1973, when the Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade, over 63 million lives have been lost to abortion in the United States. Let that sink in. That’s not just a number. It’s an incredible loss of lives, each one uniquely created in the image of God.

According to NPR, in 2023 alone, there were over 1,000,000 abortions. Yes, that is over one million. This number equals 2,739 per day, 114 per hour, or one every 31 seconds. These aren’t just statistics. They represent sons and daughters who never had the chance to take their first breath.

Abortion thrives in silence and darkness. It’s hidden in language like “choice” and “freedom,” but it’s anything but these. The truth is that abortion doesn’t just destroy the life of the unborn—it leaves deep scars on mothers, fathers, and families. As believers, we are called to shine the light of truth and love into this darkness.

What Can We Do

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is more than a day of reflection; it’s a call to action. Here are some practical ways we can stand for life:

  1. Pray for an end to abortion. Ask God to move in the hearts of lawmakers, doctors, mothers, and fathers to protect and value life.
  2. Support local pro-life ministries. Volunteer at or donate to pregnancy resource centers and other organizations that serve women and families in crisis.
  3. Be a voice for the voiceless. Advocate for policies and legislation that protect the unborn and promote a culture of life.
  4. Offer grace and healing. For those who have experienced abortion, extend the hope and forgiveness found in Jesus Christ.

A Nation at a Crossroads

With the passage of Amendment 3, Missouri is now at a crossroads. Our state and our nation must decide whether to choose a culture that values and protects life or one that continues to devalue and destroy it. These decisions will shape the future for generations to come.

I hope in knowing that God is still sovereign and working, even in our brokenness. As Christians, we are called to be light in the darkness and stand for truth, even when it is difficult. We may not change the world overnight, but we can make a difference one life, one conversation, and one act of love at a time.

A Final Prayer

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday reminds us that every human life is precious and sacred because it is made in God’s image. From the unborn child to the elderly, from the disabled to the marginalized, every life has value and purpose.

Reflecting on this day, I remember this simple prayer: “Lord, break my heart for what breaks Yours.” May we honor the Creator by honoring His creation. May we never lose sight of the sacredness of human life. Let’s stand for life, one heart and one life at a time.