To say we are living in chaotic times would be a horrible understatement. There is no doubt; these are unprecedented days. It seems things are changing on an hourly basis. Pastors, missionaries, ministry leaders, and our Bible colleges are being forced to make decisions they likely never dreamed.
How COVID-19 Has Impacted the BBFI Entities
May Fellowship Week has been canceled. This is a hard one to swallow with as much work has already been accomplished in anticipation of the BBFI’s 70th Anniversary Celebration. There is discussion being held to determine if and when a celebration could happen.
Baptist Bible College has canceled all in-person classes for the remainder of the semester. BBC president, Mark Milioni, met with faculty this week to discuss options for finishing out the semester remotely. As of today, graduation is still scheduled to be held on Thursday, May 7.
Boston Baptist College will resume all classes online after their spring break following state “recommendations” of no gatherings of more than 25 people. Their graduation is still scheduled to be held on Wednesday, May 20.
Both colleges are “open” while their campuses remain closed.
The Global Fellowship Meeting to be held in Costa Rica in July is still in consideration. April 10 has been established as a Go-No-Go day, though a decision could be made sooner. Please follow BBFI and BBFI Mission Office social media for up to date information regarding this event.
The BBFI Mission Office is open, but in an effort to protect the mission office staff, they are asking for no visitors. In the event of an emergency, missionaries will still be admitted. The missionary apartments located on the second floor of the building will not be available for reservations through the first week of April.
How COVID-19 Has Impacted the BBFI Pastors and Missionaries
On Monday, March 16, the Communication Office distributed an online survey to both pastors and missionaries requesting information on how they responded to the coronavirus within their ministry through Sunday, March 15. Over 120 individuals contributed to the survey.
Of the pastor’s participating, 44% served in counties with zero (0) coronavirus cases while 10% served in counties with more than 10. 70% of the churches were in states where the governor had given restrictions for social gatherings (remember this was prior to Sunday, March 15). With that said, only 17% of churches canceled their in-person worship service last week. As of Monday, the percentage had already grown to 34% that would cancel upcoming worship services. For those that held in-person worship services, 90% said their attendance was smaller, with 47% saying they were smaller by at least 25%.
Even though only 45% regularly live-stream their worship services, 57% said they did on Sunday, March 15. The overwhelming majority (95%) of those that broadcast a live stream utilized Facebook Live. Many broadcasted simultaneously through Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Instagram Live, Vimeo Live, or their church’s website.
64% of responding pastors stated their church already had an online giving strategy in place. Many churches were left not knowing what to do. Some were asking for members to mail in their tithes and offerings and others stating they could deliver them to the church office. Many of the churches that held in-person services did not change their giving strategy and still passed offering plates.
When asked, “What are your plans moving forward with your church gatherings?” the most common response was something along the lines of, “wait and see,” or, “week by week basis.” Many churches had already canceled all in-person services for several weeks out. One of the greatest concerns was in preparation for Easter weekend.
Of the missionaries responding, 72% stated they were in a region with more than ten confirmed coronavirus cases. 31% canceled their services on Sunday, and 39% had already canceled future worship services. 41% streamed their services live while only 10% do that regularly. Those that held in-person services 43% were about the same attendance.
Communication Office Hosts Online Pastor’s Forum
As a result of the information gained from this survey and the sense that many pastors were looking for collaboration, an online pastor’s forum was held on Tuesday, March 17, with over 50 participating. Many topics were discussed, including tips on preaching to an empty room and a video camera, tips on giving a gospel invitation via video, tips on serving the community during this crisis, and tips on an online giving strategy. This conference was recorded and can be viewed on the BBFI website, BBFI Vimeo page, or by clicking here.
The Communication Office has scheduled a follow-up pastor’s forum to take place Tuesday, March 24, at 2:00 PM (CST). You can register for this event by clicking here.
The BBFI is here to assist you in any way possible. Please contact the Communication Office with any requests by clicking here.