That which I also received

by Mark Milioni

“For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received.” The Apostle Paul tells the Corinthians that, because he heard the Gospel, he is compelled to share with them the message of Easter: the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).

The more I read that phrase, the more I realize it describes the mission of BBC. A group of men who were gloriously saved wanted to see more saved, so they started a college where they could share what they had “received.” Then their students would go into all the world to do the same.

That is BBC. We have sent and are sending men and women into every state and nation, to people and to churches who are very different. The common denominator is the message — the Gospel — the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The Gospel is saturated into every class, chapel, and activity here at BBC. You cannot escape this precious, powerful, and eternity-changing truth. The education our students receive prepares them to take the Gospel to anyone, anywhere, and through any means. Today’s technology makes it possible for this generation to do more for the cause of Christ than ever before. That is why it is imperative we do more as a college than just survive. We are working diligently to make BBC stronger than it has ever been.

To reach this world, it will take an “All In” commitment. Join us May 2-5 for Fellowship Week as we are challenged from great speakers to be “All In.” Guest speakers this year include Tom Messer, Mark Hoover, and Jonathan Falwell. We are looking forward to and anticipating a powerful week. Please make plans to join us.

To learn more about Fellowship Week, go to