What a privilege Oak Hill Baptist Church had this year in hosting the National Baptist Bible Fellowship fall meeting. It was such a blessing to see the collective effort of not only our church staff but our church body. Allowing the people of Oak Hill to be personally involved with other pastors and missionaries in our fellowship brought forth the mission of Oak Hill, to “Love, Grow, and Serve.” During the very first meeting, I was able to turn around and see and hear so many ministry leaders in one place, all worshipping God together. This was amazing. The meeting brought excitement and enthusiasm from the platform to the breakout sessions, to the fellowship around the dinner tables.
The theme of the conference was “Rooted.” This theme allowed us to focus on our wonderful past and, bring awareness back to the love of the local church and world missions. Each morning and evening built upon the theme. It was evident that God had prepared the speakers far in advance of the meeting, and He had given them the words that needed to be spoken that day.
As the pastor of Oak Hill, I could see three ideas emerging throughout the conference. First, the SPIRIT of the meeting stood out. The preparations that were made in advance allowed God to have the freedom to move among us. I saw Him speak in every session and every breakout that was given. He spoke through our worship team and orchestra. The participation of the ministry leaders and Oak Hill and how God moved gave us the SPIRIT of love and joy for the work that is being done. Second, the UNITY of the fellowship of the pastors, missionaries, and churches from all over the country and globe. I loved seeing old friends and people that I had not seen in many years, but even more than that, I loved seeing the unity and the bonds that keep us together as a fellowship. We were united around one purpose, and that was to celebrate God in all He has done through us and to be challenged to do more for Jesus Christ. Third, the PASSION from our missionaries that spoke for the fields where they were planted. I heard the passion of starting new churches and revitalizing ones. I heard the passion of praying for God to call new missionaries! I heard the passion of making the fellowship even better than it already is and doing more to fill our college with young people!
As I reflect now, I see through the celebration of our Lord and the challenges we received through God’s Word that as a pastor, a church, a fellowship, we must be even more committed and more passionate about the call of God that is on our lives!
Thank you, Pastors, leaders, missionaries, and guests for your commitment to God and for making the BBFI national meeting a wonderful time together! Let us stay ROOTED until we meet again.