It was my honor to host the pastors and ministry leaders of the BBFI. We were blessed to have over 50 speakers sharing on relevant topics such as church revitalization, church planting, leading in the middle, student ministry, women in ministry, and live streaming church services.
Here are a few of the highlights for me:
- I loved seeing so many pastors attend that haven’t attended a national meeting in years. I’m extremely encouraged by the amount of support and participation. I’m fired up about the future of the BBFI.
- I’m super pumped about the church revitalization opportunities in our fellowship. Our state representatives are working hard to put together some podcasts, coaching networks, and more content that will help pastors lead healthy churches.
- The shark tank was amazing. To raise over $30,000 in just a few weeks shows that we believe in the future of church planting. When we laid hands on the church planters and prayed over them, I got emotional just thinking about the importance of needing one another to accomplish this great task of reaching our cities for Christ.
- The “Bonus Session” with Larry Osborne on Thursday morning and the “White Out” party on Wednesday night were both great. It was fun just to fellowship, laugh together and learn together. When I heard Larry speak, I was once again reminded of the importance of understanding the times we are in and using timeless truths to reach our generation with the gospel.
- Doug Fields is my favorite speaker on the planet. His practical message on Monday night was funny and convicting at the same time. I’m working on managing the distraction of my phone. I’ve come to learn that it is a “Weapon of Mass Distraction.”
Thank you again for the privilege of serving you and our fellowship. I’m looking forward to seeing all of you again in May.
To read the Tribune recap of the meeting, click here.
To read a report from Tim Adrian, BBFI President, click here.
To read a report from Jon Haley, BBFI 2ndVice-President, click here.
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