By Keith Gillming, Retired Pastor of Lighthouse Baptist Church, St. Louis, MO
Read James 1:9-11.
The old-time gospel song, Farther Along, says, “Tempted and tried we’re oft made to wonder, why it should be thus all the day long; While there are others living about us, never molested though in the wrong.” James chapter one, verses twelve through fifteen, gives wonderful news: God rewards those who are faithful in times of trials. The rewards are twofold.
We can make up every excuse in the world, but the truth is that we are our own worst enemies.
There is an inner joy that cannot be stopped (v. 12a).
“Blessed is the man who endures temptation;” Our joy is not affected by what is happening around us. Trials are God’s way of proving us. An anonymous writer said it well, “The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it.”
There is an outward reward for that endurance (v.12b).
“For when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life…” The crown of life is not only for an abundant life here and now but also in eternity for those who conquer death. Revelation 2:10 says, “Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.”
James 1:13-15 teaches us who is responsible for these temptations that end in sin. It’s as old as Adam to shift the blame for sins to someone else. James is telling us that no matter what happens to us, God is not the One at fault. We can make up every excuse in the world, but the truth is that we are our own worst enemies. God tests His people so that their character is strengthened, but He never tempts them to lure people into sin. God is absolutely good and would never seek to harm our faith. Christians should never blame God when they do wrong.
James 1:15 is often referred to as the “LSD” of the Bible. Lust produces Sin, and when it is finished, it brings forth Death … LSD = Lust, Sin and Death. The temptation for evil comes from the roots of man’s own heart. Man surrenders his will to lust and gives birth to sin, which produces its own penalty: death.
LSD = Lust, Sin and Death
The final verse in that song from yesteryear says, “When we see Jesus coming in glory, when He comes from His home in the sky; Then we shall meet Him in that bright mansion, we’ll understand it all by and by.” Many of our trials and temptations have no direct answers from this side of eternity, but one day, we will understand them.
Reflective Questions:
- Is it selfish to think that by conquering these trials that I will receive the “crown of life”? What can we do to flesh out our motives in our service to God?
- Am I making excuses for my sin by blaming others? One of the first steps to spiritual maturity is taking responsibility for your own actions.
- How can we learn to look to the future results of our temptations rather than focus on the situation at hand?
Memory Verse:
Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. James 1:12
Dear Lord, help me to be faithful through all kinds of temptations. I know that You are interested in developing character in my life. May I never blame you for my own sin, and help me to walk close to you and not be drawn away by my own lust.”
Related Scriptures:
James 1:1-5; Revelation 2:10; 1 Thessalonians 2:19; 1 Peter 5:4; Mark 7:21-22; Psalm 7:14
AMEN Brother!