Fall/Winter 2019


One of my favorite ways to consider biblical prophecy applies a quote I heard from a preacher during my collegiate years. I have no idea who the preacher was, but I wrote this quote on the fly page of my Bible. “Prophecy is simply history that hasn’t happened yet.” […]

Fall/Winter 2019


As a field of study, soteriology broadly includes doctrines related to evangelism, election, atonement theories, assurance, etc. The Bible is a salvation-shaped book that, in many ways, speaks to soteriological issues from beginning to end. […]

Fall/Winter 2019


Some of the most intriguing creations in Scripture are heavenly or angelic beings. Our world has tried to depict these creatures in art, with white robes, wings, harps, flashes of light, and feminine features. What does God’s Word say about these angelic creatures as well as their dark counterparts? […]

Fall/Winter 2019


Christology is the study of Jesus Christ. It includes Christ in eternity past, His incarnation, His suffering, death, and resurrection, His present work both on earth and in heaven, and His future work from rapture to eternity future. […]

Fall/Winter 2019


In the realm of religious beliefs, the first question that must be answered is this: “On what authority is doctrine to be based?” The Bible is “the only complete and final revelation of the will of God to man” and “the supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds, and opinions should be tried.” […]