The Dispensation of the Kingdom
Part 7 of a Study of the Seven Dispensations To some, the word “millennium” may seem to be a long-handled theological term shrouded with mystery. This article will attempt to identify and analyze the major […]
Part 7 of a Study of the Seven Dispensations To some, the word “millennium” may seem to be a long-handled theological term shrouded with mystery. This article will attempt to identify and analyze the major […]
Part 6 of a Study of the Seven Dispensations We live today in the exciting culminating age of the “Dispensation of Grace.” I. “Grace” defined Grace is the unmerited love of God, given freely for […]
Part 5 of a Study of the Seven Dispensations Allowing the Word to speak for itself, we see that God’s dealing with man in various time periods, changes. The Dispensationalists (if one wants a label) […]
Part 4 of a Study of the Seven Dispensations The Dispensation of Promise is very important to us today, even though it was primarily made to Abraham and the nation of Israel. The comprehending of […]
Part 3 of a Study of the Seven Dispensations After the Dispensation of Innocence and the Dispensation of Conscience, the third dispensation is that of Human (civil) Government, which only lasted 427 years (from the […]
Part 2 of a Study of the Seven Dispensations The Dispensation of Conscience encompasses Genesis 3:7-9:1. During this time, “conscience became active, and man was given the opportunity to show that conscience is sufficient to […]
Part 1 of a Study of the Seven Dispensations The Dispensation of Innocence describes that time period from the creation of man until his fall into sin. It concerns those times of Adam and Eve […]
Introduction to a Study of the Seven Dispensations Introduction Among those who confess belief in an inerrant and authoritative Bible are two principal schools of thought, sometimes expressed as Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology. According to […]
Among those who confess belief in an inerrant and authoritative Bible are two principle schools of thought, sometimes expressed as Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology. […]
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