An integral part of the health of the Baptist Bible Fellowship is in the health of the state and regional fellowships. Many states meet monthly. Some have moved to
The Ohio BBFI met Tuesday, October 1, at Guide Church in Columbus, OH. Ben York is the pastor of Guide Church. Guide Church has two locations, a north campus in Hilliard and a south campus in Columbus. The fellowship meeting was held at their south campus. Speakers for the meeting were Jerry Pelfrey, pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Mason, OH, and Caleb York, pastor of Discover City Church in Canal Winchester, OH. State Chairman, Matt Keller, commented, “We have been working for the past 18 months to develop a program to help churches and pastors with revitalization efforts. A promotional video calling attention to the program was introduced at this meeting. The new initiative will be presented to the OBBF at the December meeting.”
For more information about the Ohio BBFI visit … https://www.ohiobbf.org

The Texas BBFI met Monday, October 7, and Tuesday, October 8, at Central Baptist Church in Tyler, TX. Kim Beckham is the pastor of Central Baptist. The theme of the meeting was Breakthrough Leadership. Monday night’s speaker was Eddie Lyons, pastor of High Street Baptist Church in Springfield, MO. Tuesday’s speaker was Brian Moore, pastor of Crosspointe Church in Anaheim, CA. Monday night’s message was on generosity, and the night ended with the guests participating in a “Give and Take” offering. State Chairman, Terry Kizer, had this to say about the meeting, “It was very encouraging to attend the state meeting. It was a great mixture of inspiration, generosity, hospitality, and vision for the future of reaching the unchurched in an ever-changing culture. Everyone left with something.”
For more information about the Texas BBFI visit … https://www.texasbbf.com
The Oklahoma BBFI met Monday afternoon, October 7, but not at a physical location. They experimented by hosting an online fellowship meeting. For two weeks leading up to the meeting, Jason Petermann, Oklahoma State Chairman, received questions from pastors in the state on the topic of church revitalization. Utilizing the Zoom platform, Petermann facilitating a panel discussion with Randy Harp, BBFI Communication Director, and Brian Moore, pastor of Crossponte Church in Anaheim, CA. asking them the submitted questions. Petermann had this to say about the meeting, “Our webinar was so helpful, and a great opportunity for pastors to ask great questions about where they are headed or where they may be stuck in revitalizing their churches. We were able to learn some do’s and don’ts from guys that have done the hard work or revitalizing.” He also added that there were more pastors from Oklahoma online for the meeting than normally attend a state fellowship meeting. Several other pastors from around the country participated in the online meeting, as well. Petermann further stated, “I think that using meeting formats like this helps us to stay connected without the burden and expense of traveling every month for our state pastors. Technology has made it much easier for us to hear from the leading voices of our fellowship. We need each other in ministry, and this provided a great opportunity to connect.”
For more information about the Oklahoma BBFI visit … https://www.facebook.com/okbbfi/

The Iowa BBFI met Monday, October 7, and Tuesday, October 8, at Heartland Baptist Church in Ames, IA. Randy Abell is the pastor of Heartland Baptist. Speakers included Tim Adrian, pastor of West Side Baptist Church in Hutchinson, KS and BBFI President, and Gary Fuller, pastor of Gentle Shepherd Baptist Church in Lincoln, NE. Mark Carter, Executive Director of Trailhead International, also presented his ministry of helping provide church facilities and community outreach centers to churches all over the world. Monday evening, after the service, guests stayed at the church to watch Monday Night Football in the church’s café. Randy Abell, State Chairman, highlighted, “One of my favorite parts was the “Iowa Boys” singing on Monday night. This group started with just a couple of guys singing, but during the song, men kept coming on the stage to form a choir together.” He went on to say, “We had the best Iowa Baptist Fellowship meeting ever!” Each guest also left with a gift bag will books and a selection of products made in Iowa.
For more information about the Iowa BBFI visit … https://iowabaptistfellowship.org

The Missouri BBFI met Monday, October 7, at Grace River Church in O’Fallon, MO. Chris Highfill is the pastor of Grace River Church. Grace River is a church plant the MO BBFI has been sponsoring for several years. The meeting was held at the brand-new location for the church. So new that the church hasn’t even had its first service there yet. The MO BBFI presented Highfill a check for $20,000 to assist in the renovation of their new facility. Guest speakers included Bob Baier, pastor of Antioch Bible Baptist Church in Gladstone, MO, and Gary Rohrmayer, President of Converge Mid America. The meeting also included a Q&A session with Chris Highfill and Don Baier, who served as Highfill’s sending pastor for his church plant. The Q&A session was focused on the experience of planting with a parent church and church planter relationship. Bob Baier was also recognized during the meeting as he recently celebrated his 40th anniversary at his church. Nathan Burch, State Chairman, shared, “The MO BBFI has partnered with Highfill and Grace River from the very beginning and is proud of the church plant that has grown into a solid independent church of their own.”
For more information about the Missouri BBFI visit … http://www.mobbf.org
The Kansas BBFI met Tuesday, October 8, at New Hope Baptist Church in Hutchinson, KS. Brian Lee is the pastor of New Hope Baptist. Speakers for the meeting included Chris Powell, pastor of Haven Baptist Church in Haven, KS, Billy Neumann, pastor of Bible Baptist Church in Osborne, KS, and Steve Dowell, Dean of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness at Neosho County Community College. Dean Hughes, State Chairman, stated this about the meeting, “Even though we are all busy and often have hectic schedules, we should never undervalue the importance of and make time for meetings such as this one. They provide a much-needed time of worship, fellowship, and encouragement.”
For more information about the Kansas BBFI visit … https://www.facebook.com/KansasBBF/

The Colorado BBFI met Tuesday, October 8, at Belmar Church in Lakewood, CO. Derald Gautier is the pastor of Belmar Church. The special guest for the meeting was Brian Garrison, Associate Mission Director for the BBFI. State Chairman, Derald Gautier, stated, “Brian spoke about the many areas where the Mission Office provides support to both missionaries and local churches. We are also very thankful for the resources he provided to our churches.” The pastors and staff that gathered for the meeting also spent time sharing challenges and blessings related to their different ministries. Michael Haley, BBFI Secretary, added, “I loved hearing from our Mission Office. It is humbling to be part of a fellowship that places such a high value on missions and our missionaries.”
The Florida BBFI met Monday, October 14, at Palmetto Av. Baptist Church in Sanford, FL. Ron Williams is the pastor of Palmetto Ave. Baptist. Speakers for the meeting included George Mulford, pastor of Grace Bible Baptist Church in Leesburg, FL, and Brian Brown, a staff consultant at LifePoint Church in Tampa, FL. There was also a presentation by the director of the Pregnancy Center of Sanford, FL, to share what pastors can do to make a difference in the lives of young women seeking guidance for all their options to navigate unplanned pregnancies. There was also discussion and planning for long-term assistance to the Bahamas.
For more information about the Florida BBFI visit … http://floridafellowship.blogspot.com
The Michigan BBFI met Tuesday, October 15, at Beacon Baptist Church in Taylor, MI. John Reilly pastors Beacon Baptist. Speakers at the meeting were Blaine Gaudette, pastor of Antrim Baptist Church in Byron, MI, and Greg Burdine, pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Adrian, MI. Greg Burdine, who also serves as State Chairman, shared, “We had one pastor who had been at his church for three months and another who pastored for 52 years and everywhere in between. We have an outstanding group of men who truly care for one another.” This was evidenced by the extended prayer time for David Chittenden, pastor of Great Lakes Baptist Church in Flint, MI, as he has recently been diagnosed with ALS. The state is also working hard to help “relaunch” Guiding Light Baptist Church in Saginaw, MI. The host church also demonstrated how much it cares for the pastors in the state by giving each pastor a gift card for pastor appreciation month.
For more information about the Michigan BBFI visit … http://www.michiganbbf.com
The Arkansas BBFI met Tuesday, October 22, at the El Parian restaurant in Clarksville, AR. Charlie Miller, pastor of Stillwell Bible Baptist, hosted the event. The next Arkansas church planter was introduced at the luncheon. Adrian Milbourne is in the process of planting Life Springs Baptist Church in Northwest Arkansas. This church plant is sent out of Lifepoint Church in Centerton, AR, pastored by fellow church planter, Mike Brinson. Arkansas State Chairman, Keith Buttram, added, “It is always exciting when we get to vote on approving a new church planter.” The meeting also included discussion of the recent town hall meeting held at the National BBFI Meeting in Somerset, KY.
For more information about the Arkansas BBFI visit … https://www.facebook.com/groups/579764348709255/