by Mark Milioni
Thanksgiving always brings back grade-school memories of Pilgrims wearing black hats and white aprons and Native Americans wearing buckskin and feathered headdresses sharing a feast and giving thanks to God. They remembered, and they gave thanks. That is what God calls us to do in Psalm 136. “Oh give thanks to the Lord …” Remember — His goodness, His love, His mercy, His grace. Remember, and give thanks.
Remember when you were a Baptist Bible College student?
Remember the hours spent in classes learning the Old Testament, the Life of Christ, and Bible doctrines, how to witness using FORM, how to preach and how to take the gospel to a lost world? I remember, and I give thanks for BBC.
Remember your time spent in the dorms with your roommate, in the cafeteria sharing not just a meal but the hopes and dreams and desires God placed on your heart, time spent in prayer petitioning God to use you? I remember, and I give thanks for BBC.
Remember how hard being a college student could be — the studying, all-nighters, personal conflicts, not knowing how you were going to make your next payment, missing your family, longing for your home church? I remember, and I give thanks.
I give thanks for those who came along during those hard times and encouraged me to never give up and reminded me to keep this goal in mind, “What will you do for Christ?” I remember, and I give thanks.
It is still hard to be a student, even at BBC. The struggles become more apparent as the end of the semester draws near. Students try to balance classes, working, serving, building relationships, and finding time to maintain a close walk with God with the pressures of finals, financial pressures, and homesickness. “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” stirs a longing in their hearts. They need someone to come alongside them, to encourage them, and to remind them to keep the goal in mind, “What will you do for Christ?” Can that someone be you?
Would you be willing to encourage a BBC student by sending them a note of encouragement or a care package? Would you be the one that a current student will remember and give thanks for? Cookies, packaged snacks, gift cards, or a check along with a note from you may be just what a student needs to remind them that the struggle is worth it. You can be the one a student remembers and gives thanks for!
To participate, simply send a card or package by December 1, 2014. Address it to your favorite student, or simply to:
Student Care Project
628 E. Kearney St.
Springfield, MO 65803.
We will make sure it reaches a student in need of encouragement. As always, I thank God for you and for your love and support of our college and our students.