Refuse to leave this world the way you found it

by Mark Milioni

Summer for colleges seems just as busy as the school year. We are ready and excited for the 2013-14 college year here at BBC.

We have been busy getting the campus ready and have sent teams of students all around the world and to churches and camps all summer. I was also in churches in several states as well as two youth camps. God blessed every week with salvation decisions, commit­ments to fulltime ministry, and other spiritual needs.

We announced some key dates for the 2013-14 college year dur­ing Fellowship Week in response to a request to publish these dates earlier. These dates are also available on our website, Please note some changes from previous years.

Fall 2013 First Day of Classes Aug. 21

Opening Chapel Aug. 22
Primed Conference (men) Oct. 4-5
Fall Break Oct. 17-18
Alumni Days Oct. 28-Nov. 1 (new)
College Days Nov. 6-8
Thanksgiving Break Nov. 25-29
Finals Dec. 9-12

Spring 2014 First Day of Classes Jan. 15

One Conference (ladies) Feb. 28-Mar. 1
Spring Break Mar. 17-21
College Days Phase 1 Mar. 26-28
College Days Phase 2 Apr. 2-4
Global Awareness Apr. 7-11
Good Friday Apr. 18
Finals Apr. 29-May 2
BBF Fellowship Week May 5-8 (new)

We are excited to meet many new students and begin preparing them for a life of ministry. That is our focus and mission, Preparing the Next Generation of Ministry Leaders. Let there be no question that we understand what we are here to do. Our faculty and staff all know why we do what we do. Now, we are asking pastors and churches to send their best students to BBC to learn to lead the next generation.

This year we are going to be challenging our students with this thought: refuse to leave this world the way you found it. We are all given a life to use for Christ and one day we will all have to give an account for how we used it. Here at BBC, we are not doing it for the money, we are not doing it for the fame, we are not doing it for the benefits — we are giving ourselves to make whatever difference we can with our lives to help others know, love, and follow Jesus.

I am blessed to be around an army of sacrificial people who believe so strongly in what they are doing and why they are doing it.