President’s Perspective of the National Meeting

BBFI President, Tim Adrian

I was blessed immensely at the BBFI meeting in Anaheim, CA.  The event was well planned, well executed, and well attended. This gathering had all of the features of a great fellowship meeting:  energetic music, super preaching, and wonderful times of connecting with old and new friends.  I left with several “take-aways”:

  1. The morning format proved to be very helpful and practical. Several breakout options were held with multiple instructors taking a few minutes to impart words of wisdom and coaching.  An interview of the instructors followed with an opportunity for questions and answers.
  2. About a dozen church planters attended the conference and participated in a “shark tank” exercise under the direction of BBFI 3rdVice-President, Sean Sears.These young men are filled with determined energy and they are dreaming big.  My emotions were moved as we huddled around these guys and prayed for their families and ministries.
  3. I hate to admit this, but I feel like I suddenly became “an old guy” in the BBF. I considered it a healthy sign that as I looked around, I saw an audience of preachers that are mostly in their 30’s and 40’s. Many are leading large and growing churches and everyone that I spoke to conveyed a true passion for evangelism. Frankly, some of these young pastors need to be preaching at our meetings and leading our fellowship more and more in the days ahead.
  4. I truly appreciated the bonus day (Thursday morning) with Larry Osborne. I had previously read his book Sticky Churchand anticipated some helpful insight into the task of growing a church. I was not disappointed as he used his decades of experience to mentor and instruct the group in profound ways.
  5. It was great to spend time with BBF leaders on Monday during our business meetings. It was wonderful to see Eddie Lyons healthy and looking good.  Linzy Slayden preached great like he always does. Mark Milioni is a class act and truly pumped about the future of BBC.  We have the greatest missionaries in the world, and I enjoyed visiting with many that attended.
  6. Randy Harp spent time talking to us about BBF Communications. The Tribune has a new look and feel. It’s larger and resembles a journal more than a tabloid.  The future of our communication will undoubtedly be on the electronic side, but it is good to see a high-quality print issue.  The format of communication will continue to change and look different in the days ahead, but the Tribune still needs our financial support.  I’m asking everyone to consider a gift to the BBF Communication Office.
  7. Finally, a big shout out to Pastor Brian Moore and the Crosspointe Church in Anaheim, CA.They gave us a refreshing meeting and used some innovation to see that we were instructed and inspired to do more for God.

To read the Tribune recap of the meeting, click here.

To read a report from Brian Moore, host pastor, click here.

To read a report from Jon Haley, BBFI 2ndVice-President, click here.

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