By John Hamby, retired pastor of First Baptist Church, Vilonia, AR
Read James 5:16.
What kind of person does it take to pray effectively? James offers us an enlightening perspective, reminding us that the fervent prayers of a righteous individual can accomplish great things. To illustrate this truth, he points to the example of the revered prophet Elijah.
At first glance, Elijah may seem an unlikely choice to inspire us ordinary people in our prayer life. After all, he was a towering figure in Israel, known for his mighty deeds and prophetic wisdom. Yet, James unveils a crucial truth when he insists that Elijah was just like us, possessing a nature just like ours. Elijah experienced his own share of highs and lows, triumphs and setbacks. His extremes are probably greater than most, from defeating the 850 false prophets to hiding in a cave. He was a mortal navigating the complexities of human existence.
Nevertheless, when Elijah offered his earnest prayers, he witnessed the very forces of nature changing. He prayed, and the rain was prevented. He prayed again, and the rain was provided. The word translated as “earnestly” is indicative of intensity. It shows that his prayers held much intensity, fueled by a sincere heart. However, let us remember that the fervency of our prayers does not guarantee that we shall receive everything we desire. Instead, Elijah’s prayers were answered because they were fervent, sincere, and aligned with the will of God.
This kind of effective and fervent prayer is not reserved for the extraordinary few. It is within the reach of every believer. Elijah, a mere mortal, demonstrates the profound impact that prayer can have. It is not the goodness or worthiness of the one who prays that makes the difference, but rather our Heavenly Father’s boundless grace and power.
As we meditate on these truths, let us be encouraged to cast aside doubt and approach the Throne of Grace with boldness. Our worries should not consume us, for the power of prayer surpasses any earthly concern. Instead, let us increase our devotion to prayer, recognizing that through it, we can access God’s limitless love and mercy. So, let us embrace the practice of fervent prayer, believing in its potential to yield life-altering results. Perhaps we should doubt less and pray big. We should worry less and pray more.
Let us embrace the practice of fervent prayer, believing in its potential to yield life-altering results.
Reflective Questions:
- What does an intense prayer look like? Do your prayers typically fall under the description of intense prayers?
- What is a personal example of a time you have seen God answer in a profound way something you have prayed for earnestly?
- Who is another example from Scripture that prayed earnestly and saw God answer in a mighty way? Who in your life have you seen pray earnestly, and God revealed Himself to them, and they were changed??
Memory Verse:
Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. James 5:17
Dear God, as your disciples asked You, I ask You to teach me to pray. Help me to pray fervently. Thank You for the example of Elijah, who was flesh and bone just as I am but prayed “big” prayers, and You heard him and answered his prayers. Help me to pray “big” prayers, knowing You will hear me, too.
Related Scriptures:
I Kings 18:36-38, 42-45; I Kings 19:9; I John 5:14; Luke 4:25; Acts 14:15
Dr. John, this is good.