NCPO helps churches regardless of age

by Wayne Guinn

The ministry of the NCPO is not limited to working with new church plants and church planters. As the following testimony shows, we also offer consulting services to all churches, whatever their situation may be.

“Almost exactly one year ago, the building program our church started in the mid-2000s was in jeopardy. Through the usual things that tend to derail building projects and the worst recession in memory, our church was in a situation where we were only holding our heads above water because of God’s miraculous grace.

Our situation involved complications that went beyond lack of capital to intricacies of loan arrangements and concerns of foreclosure. Among all the very bright people in our church, we were at a loss of how best to address the situation, not just in the short term but also to bring the project to completion. That’s when I openly asked fellow BBF pastors if they knew of anyone who might be available to consult with us on the issue. Jason Todd directed me to Wayne Guinn and the National Church Planting Office.

My impression had been that the NCPO was strictly for new church plants. Nothing could be further from the truth. The resources of the NCPO are available to any church, no matter the size or age. I contacted Wayne Guinn, and that began a process which has brought our church back to a position where we are again nearly ready to build.

Wayne graciously consulted with me and then with our building committee by phone. We set a time for him to come to Bozeman for further discussion and meetings with our note-holder. Wayne introduced us to potential solutions we had never considered. His vast experience with building programs was a great comfort and a source of wisdom that helped us see the possibilities for our stalled program.

Wayne next met with the note-holder on our new land. Wayne was able to speak with him as one with considerable knowledge, and Wayne introduced him to the solution that enabled us to jumpstart our program, going so far as to talk specifics about debt and payments.

In all ways, Wayne Guinn and the NCPO were not only a comfort to me, but also a source of valuable counsel to our church as we searched for solutions. Going beyond comfort and counsel, Wayne also acted as advocate for us, articulating ideas with expertise and simplicity that people in our church could understand and the people intertwined in our project outside the church could trust.

Churches aren’t about buildings, but when churches set out to construct facilities, the NCPO can be a source of wisdom, understanding, and ability to help them see the project to completion.”

From Steve Van Winkle
Pastor of Fellowship Baptist Church, Bozeman, MT