The sending church’s role in world missions cannot be underestimated. The call to missions is not just for individuals or families, it is the responsibility of the local church to establish a foundation of love for Christ, obedience to the Great Commission while building compassion for the nations among its members. Many in
our churches do not answer the call to missions because they fear the unknown. Each local church should understand their responsibility when it comes to grooming missionaries through discipleship for all ages to overcome inevitable fears and obstacles.
Start preparing young people for ministry work at an early age by actively involving them in volunteer service, teaching, and speci c training. Be creative in keeping them engaged by having them read biographies of early missionaries. As they grow in their faith and obedience, teach them how to lead a person to Christ, conduct a Bible study, and serve in various outreach ministries. When they are making preparations for their future, have them contact the BBFI Mission O ce to assist them with the next steps to take in serving God.
Each church should be a sending church by intentionally guiding and encouraging people to serve the Lord. Teach them the importance of living above reproach and having servant attitudes and actions.
The lessons learned while preparing to be a missionary are important, if not always easy. The security of a loving church and Bible training can help develop a solid foundation in those who are faithful and called.
God uses the local church to accomplish His work of and to display the love of God through Jesus to the world (Ephesians 3:9,10). This is His plan!