If I needed to put together a recipe for a great fellowship meeting, I think I would just grab the ingredients from our time in Kansas City at Antioch Bible Baptist. Joyous services, great spirit, tremendous preaching, uplifting music, an enthusiastic church, and the list could go on and on. Host pastors Steve Doss and Bob Baier are simply class acts and set a tone of serving and encouraging. Of course, it was a huge blessing to see old friends and make new ones. Along the way, we took care of some needed business as well.
For me, the highlights at these meetings are to be introduced to recently approved missionaries and new church planters. The passion of these young men and women is refreshing and contagious. May God bless them, and may their tribe increase. At the close of our business meeting, we gathered in the middle of the room to pray over these preachers. It was a visual reminder that our real business is missions and church planting.
At these National Fellowship Meetings, key leaders in our movement report to our Executive Committee, State Representatives, and the general body of the fellowship. It is the “business side” of our meeting, and it must be done to keep things moving along.
Here are some of the highlights of our National Business Meeting:
- President Mark Milioni reported Baptist Bible College has over a 20% increase in enrollment this year. This includes wonderful progress in their new online program.
- President Dave Melton reported Boston Baptist College received one of their best-ever summer offerings.
- Communication Director Randy Harp reported on trips through the summer to meet with pastors and church planters. Through these efforts, we are seeing new State Fellowships being formed. The Communication Office has proven itself over and again as an essential part of our Fellowship and is worthy of our ongoing support.
- Jon Konnerup and his staff are in the midst of launching a successful PROJECT 938 initiative that asks Christians to pray for more ministry laborers. The printed, video, and educational materials presented are of the highest quality. Almost 1,000 churches are participating globally.
- Our Fellowship voted overwhelmingly to add a 4th Vice President to the Executive Committee for the purpose of assisting pastors in the areas of church health, church growth, and revitalization.
- Our Fellowship voted overwhelmingly to invite our career missionaries that serve as lead pastors to join us in voting in our general elections. (Please note: exact wording in changes to our Constitution will be published soon and will require a future vote.)
Thanks again to everyone that had a part in a wonderful week.
Click here to read Host Pastor, Steve Doss’, reflections on the 2021 BBFI Annual Fellowship Meeting.
Click here to read the official recap from the Baptist Bible Tribune of the 2021 BBFI Annual Fellowship Meeting.
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