The Radisson Hotel in Branson, MO hosted the 2017 Missionary Family Reunion where whole families “had a wonderful time, and felt loved and encouraged.” Guest speaker Mike Frazier (Canton Baptist Temple) challenged and encouraged all who attended. Thanks to the generous financial gifts of 21 churches and individuals, 120 attendees experienced:
“teaching of the Word renewed our spirits and souls – we went away spiritually refreshed”
“every aspect exceeded all expectations”
“we met a lot of people from all stages of missionary life -we whole-heartedly recommend the Reunion to other missionaries.”
While the children enjoyed a VBS style ministry provided by the Cherry Street Baptist Church (Springfield, MO), the teens bonded with other MKs, learned about TCK dynamics, how to live successfully in their relationship with God along with first rate experiences at the Promised Land Zoo, Silver Dollar City and so much more.
If you will be in the States during 2018, make plans now to attend the Missionary Family Reunion June 11-15.