The week after a mission trip is always one of my favorite weeks. You have the opportunity to reflect on how God worked in the hearts of the people connected to the trip and you look through pictures and relive the parts of the trip that really spoke to you.
This summer I had the privilege to lead a group of 28 individuals from several states to Romania where they worked incredibly hard while also building relationships with each other and the Romanian people.
The team hosted a VBS and a carnival for the church in Rogova that saw close to 150 kids show up to hear the Gospel, play games and get connected to believers in their community. We also had the privilege of clearing out the church’s backyard so it could be used for a play area for children and we helped finish a youth room that will be used to reach teenagers for years to come.
In Severin, our team provided a family carnival and had over 100 children (plus family members), most of which have never been to church before. They too heard the Gospel, played games and connected with our missionaries and other believers in the church. Some of these families came back to church the following
Sunday and some even signed up for the upcoming youth camp.
After ve days of ministry, we drove to the central part of the country to visit several famous places in Romania including the Bran Castle (Dracula’s Castle), the city of Brasov, and the Peles Castle (King’s Castle built in the 1800’s).
It was truly an incredible trip that will have lasting impact on the lives of the Romanian people as well as the American team that came together for the common purpose of reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Who authored this article? I see no names anywhere.
It was a news article in the Sep/Oct Tribune written by Craig Stevenson.