On August 3, 2021, Midway Church of Pilot Point, TX, and pastor John Theisen hosted the North Texas BBF. Several of the staff of Midway Church spoke. George Quin, Community Cares Pastor, shared about his outreach ministry in local jails and Texas State Prisons. A book he authored entitled, Taking Anger Seriously, is the basis for a curriculum being adopted by several prisons in Texas. Todd Witte, Executive Pastor, taught on the importance of sabbaticals and a regular rhythm of rest & spiritual refreshment. Adam Erlichman, Life-Groups/Discipleship Pastor, taught on a process of “Discovering, Developing and Deploying Group Leaders” and other leaders for ministry. John Theisen, Lead Pastor, shared community relationship ideas that build bridges for ministry. Theisen shared, “Coming out of COVID-19, we found pastors, staff, and missionaries hungry for fellowship and encouragement.”
Todd Witte serves as director for the North Texas BBF.