Andy Plunk and Maranatha Baptist Church in Collinsville, OK, hosted OK BBF on Monday and Tuesday, December 6-7, 2021. The meeting began on Monday night with dinner and a time of fellowship at the Los Cabos restaurant in Owasso, OK. Tuesday morning included three sermons, a panel discussion, a ladies’ meeting, a brief business meeting, and lunch at the church. The theme of the meeting was “All Things Possible,” taken from Luke 1:37. Linzy Slayden, pastor of Friendship Baptist Church in Owasso, OK, spoke on “Unforeseen Blessings.” Tim Lindsey, pastor of Harvest Baptist Church in Claremore, OK, spoke on “Problem Situations that are Purposed Opportunities.” Marty Hughes, pastor of Grace Harbor Baptist Church in Grove, OK, spoke on “Recalibrating Vision for a New Day.” Those same speakers, along with Randy Harp, BBFI Communication Director, lead a panel discussion on various practical ministry topics. Marie Plunk led the ladies’ meeting.
Plunk is celebrating his fifth anniversary of Maranatha Baptist Church this upcoming Sunday, December 12, 2021. Plunk stated, “They say that sometimes you don’t miss something until you miss something. I think 2020 reminded all of us how much we need fellowship. We need others that are able to relate with our joys, struggles, and dreams.”