Loran and Jeanine McAlister retired from the ministry on May 6, 2018 after 55 years of fruitful ministry. He was on staff in churches in California and Florida.
He pastored Bay City Baptist Church, Bay City, Texas, before being a BBFI missionary to New Zealand where he and Jeanine were for 18 years. Boston Baptist College, Boston, MA, invited him to join them and he served four years total. The first year as teacher and Dean of Students and Executive Vice President the last three years.
Loran then moved to the BBFI Missions Office in Springfield, MO, where he served 15 years as BBFI Assistant Missions Director. The last ten years Loran and Jeanine have been the Senior Adult Pastor and wife at Friendship Baptist Church in Owasso, OK pastored by Linzy Slayden.
McAlister’s first time at Friendship Baptist was to preach at their second Missions Conference 24 years ago. He was asked to preach at their 2018 World Missions Conference as one of his last duties.
For their retirement service Slayden contacted fellow missionaries and pastors to send video and email greetings and congratulations. The church paid to fly in family to help celebrate. Gifts were presented to both Loran and Jeanine. The McAlisters plan to move back to Springfield, MO to enjoy retirement.