Jesus stands at the door

by Tom Wagoner

I n our spring revival here, we had Junior Hill and Herb Reavis. These men of God were greatly used, and many souls came to faith in Jesus Christ and a large number followed him in baptism. One evening, a scripture was read and a statement was made by Brother Reavis regarding revival. It started something stirring in my heart, and I went back to this familiar scripture I had learned as a little boy at the feet of a woman, Annie Mae Johnson.

She led our junior choir at Faith Baptist Church in Winston Salem when I was a little boy, teaching us the song, “Behold, behold I stand at the door and knock, knock, knock….” It was Revelation 3:20. I had no idea, nor do I think she did, that this verse would one day bring great encouragement and confirmation regarding revival in these days.

In the scripture, I saw an inquiry that was so clear. Jesus was standing outside the door of a church, not just any church; it was a local church that was also representative of a last days’ church. He was speaking directly to the messenger/preacher of that church. He makes this inquiry, “If any man hear my voice.” The inquiry is there for revival. Jesus is taking the initiative. God always takes the initia­tive when it comes to revival.

Then the sweet invitation, “If any man hear my voice.” He just wants us to hear Him. He is speaking. “If any man hear my voice” and, “If any man will open the door.” How in the world do we open the door of our hearts, our churches, and our movement? How do we open the door for revival? It all starts with repentance before God. We must cry out to Jesus, get right with God, and then wait upon Him for the wonderful rain of revival that will follow.

Then, finally, I see revival. It is so clear in the text. We have used this scripture for evangelism, for encouraging and stirring churches, but I saw revival when I saw the intimacy. The revival, “I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” What a wonder­ful truth. Supping with Jesus, a new level of intimacy with Him, a deeper awareness, a deeper love relationship with Him. This is what I want; this is what you want. This is what many of our churches are crying out for. This is what the Baptist Bible Fellowship is crying out to God for. The only thing that will sustain our schools, our vision, what little passion we have and the only thing that will cause us to make an eternal impact in the way Christ has planned is if we experi­ence a great revival.

God help us to continue to move forward in our faith, believing God “so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear” (Hebrews 11:3). God give us revival!
