On October 9, 2018, the Iowa BBF met at Albia Baptist Temple in Albia, IA. The church is pastored by Brian Harris. Mark Carter, former Iowa pastor and current executive director of Trailhead International Builders, was the keynote speaker. Carter challenged the pastors and guests on how to make Sunday morning services a better draw for your community. Iowa chairman, Randy Abell, also shared from his recent trip to Chipata, Zambia.
The Iowa BBFI is praying and looking for a prospective church planter to move to the city of Des Moines. Des Moines is a growing city of over 600,000 that needs some new churches around the outskirts. If you are interested, you can find the needed information on the Iowa BBF website www.iowabaptistfellowship.org. You can also contact Randy Abell at his church, Heartland Bapitst Church of Ames, IA.