It has been our (Tim Adrian and Jon Haley) joy to work alongside our Baptist Bible Fellowship over the past several years. We want to thank you for your support and help in our great cause. In the past four years alone, our missionaries have reported nearly one-half million people accepting Jesus as their Savior. We certainly thank God for reports like that, but additionally, we are grateful to be part of an organization that values evangelism, discipleship, and church planting in every corner of our country and the entire world.
Recently, we both have served in leadership positions in our BBFI. It has been a great blessing to work with the wonderful pastors that have served on our Executive Committee and as State Representatives. As you can imagine, there are many moving parts in a Fellowship that includes missionary families, pastors, BBFI entities and their leaders, and several other sister organizations.
The leadership of our BBFI is comprised completely of volunteer pastors. It’s evident our leaders possess a great measure of wisdom and ability, but it is also obvious there is a time limitation. Every pastor that has served in key areas will quickly declare their first love in ministry is their own local church, as it should be. Simply put, it is ridiculous to think a movement like ours can operate successfully without someone directing their full attention to the details and organization that brings growth and success.
With that said, we feel it a necessary and positive step forward to transition our Communication Office to a Fellowship Central Office. Furthermore, Randy Harp will now be assigned to be the Executive Director of the Central Office. This move is the result of several years of discussion during strategic planning meetings. Furthermore, we have spoken with numerous Fellowship leaders past and present, and we strongly believe this measure will enhance the growth and health of our BBFI. As Executive Director, Randy will work at the direction of our elected Executive Committee. We anticipate his efforts to be in the following areas:
- He will work alongside the State Representatives & State Chairmen in our Fellowship. This will include being an available resource to help strengthen our State Fellowships.
- He will help coordinate and facilitate National and Regional BBF meetings.
- He will assist APEX Churches, which includes church planting, church health, and leadership development efforts.
- He will continue to communicate news and resources to our pastors.
- He will be at the center of networking efforts both within and outside of our Fellowship.
It is our firm belief the BBFI needs an office like this and someone of Randy’s caliber to direct and manage our efforts. It is time we, as a Fellowship, invest resources in our own structure and in our own future. It is time we “up our game” in areas that demand organization, strategic planning, and national coordination.
To be clear, as Executive Director of the Central Office, Randy will work and serve our fellowship and answer directly to our Executive Committee. He will not serve in a position of authority over any of our BBF entities. He will represent our Fellowship as needed to other ministry networks and potential corporate partners.
At present, Randy has directed some of his attention toward Baptist Bible College in both administration and teaching. Additionally, he has directed our Communication Office and has assisted in APEX church planting efforts. We have asked him to devote his full attention to the new Central Office, and at present, a transition is underway. Randy states, “My greatest goal is to add value to pastors, churches, and the BBFI as a whole.” We anticipate this move to be completed by the end of the calendar year.
Now, we must ask for your help. This office will demand increased travel and the employment of additional staff. We need to retain the current funding of the Communication Office and see an increase of at least $60,000 annually. There are already a good number of supporters of the Communication Office (formerly The Tribune). However, the average monthly contribution is about half of what the typical missionary receives and a quarter of what the other entities receive. Note: For years, the Tribune requested just $25 per month in exchange for 25 Tribune magazines. This $25 monthly gift has remained the typical monthly contribution to the Communication Office.
Please consider helping us with this new endeavor. Now is the time for us to do things “more decently and more in order.” We truly believe this new Central Office will be a huge step forward for our Fellowship.
Because of Christ,
Tim Adrian & Jon Haley
President and President-Elect Baptist Bible Fellowship