The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. Luke 19.27
What is the significance of this verse to this church? Why did we choose this to go over the doors to the sanctuary? What is that we are reminding ourselves of? What is it we want new people to know?
First, what was Jesus talking about in context? A man, known to us only as the “rich young ruler,” asked Jesus what good thing he needed to do to obtain eternal life. In the course of the conversation, it is revealed that he was not willing to give up his wealth to follow Jesus. (Note, that is not how you obtain eternal life, but Jesus, knowing his heart, directed the conversation there so that the young man would realize that he needed to submit entirely to God, not just use Him as an escape from hell).
After the young man walked away, Jesus told the disciples it was hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. He said, “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.” They, naturally, were astonished by this and wondered how anyone could be saved. That’s when Jesus said the words in the verse above.
It is impossible for anyone to save themselves, but it is not a problem at all for God to save you. We applied the universal truth that nothing is impossible for God to our new church building.
We applied the universal truth that nothing is impossible for God to our new church building. Click To TweetWhy do we say this building was impossible? Because we are a very, very small church. Our giving is not even enough to pay a full-time salary to a pastor. For us to build a building valued by our insurance company at around a half-million dollars, it was surely impossible. But here it is. At the time of this writing, though there are still some things to be finished, we are using the building. All of our church activities and services are done here.
For us to do this in our strength, with the skills we have, and we have some, and with the money we had, anyone, including me, would have said it can’t be done. As the pastor (and don’t tell anyone this, I wouldn’t want them to know that I am less than perfect), I dragged my feet getting this project started. I, quite frankly, was afraid to start, not knowing how we would finish.
But for God to do this – not a problem. He led us to do this. He supplied – through the giving of His people – the money to do this. He, somehow, gave us the skills and knowledge we needed to do this.
We get no glory for this. God does! And we never want to forget that. And we want people to see that verse and ask us why it is there. It is there so we can tell them how great our God is!