The role of BBFI Mission Office is clearly defined in our mission statement: “The BBFI Mission Office exists to serve churches and their missionaries as they endeavor to fulfill the Great Commission.”
The BBFI Mission Office is not a missionary sending organization. Rather, as your local church’s helping hand, we aid you in your mission work by coming alongside the missionary and the sending church. The impact of your financial support to the Mission Office directly affects your missionary. The services we provide, including keeping abreast of regulations governing missionary’s finances as well as providing on-field legitimacy, save both the missionary and
the church countless hours. The time saved makes it possible for your missionary to be a missionary.
The care and concern of the BBFI Mission Office does not stop there. We pray for our missionaries daily, read their letters, visit them on the field, and enjoy it when they visit our office. Events happening in world news draw our minds and hearts to our missionaries serving in the affected regions. We love their children and know how di cult it can be to raise a family on the foreign field. We experience a wide range of emotions when it comes to our missionaries and their children. Let it be said — missionaries are always on our hearts.
The Mission Office strives to serve churches with efficiency as we come alongside them. Every effort is made to maintain an open and ongoing relationship with pastors as we work with the national leadership, missions committee, field representatives, as well as the supporting and sending pastors of each missionary.
We desire to be responsible stewards of the people and funds sent through our office. This has been our specialty for 67 years. Your missionaries are our greatest asset. The Mission Office operates just as your missionaries – by faith. Your faithful financial and prayer support enables us to help your missionaries. As you know, 100 percent of what comes in for a missionary goes to that missionary. This is unheard of in the world of missions and non-profits. One pastor stated it this way:
“There is not another mission agency that does more for your missionaries for less cost than the BBFI Mission Office.”
Your support of the Mission Office also impacts the Fellowship as a whole, as we endeavor to serve all the churches with their missionaries. This issue of Global Partners will show many of the services the Mission Office provides for your missionaries and your church. As you read about the services we provide and meet the people who provide these services, we hope this information is insightful into all the Mission Office does to help bring glory to God through your church and your missionaries.
Since I became Mission Director in 2005, the number of supporting churches has decreased from 940 to 721. However, this past year we have seen new churches begin to support the Mission Office and others have increased their support. Statistically, only 30 percent of churches that use our office as part of their missionary endeavors support our office financially.
I pray, that in the years to come, we can truly partner together to help get your missionaries to the field and keep them there till the Lord comes.