by Wayne Guinn
On August 21, 2010, Trinity Village Baptist Temple and Pastor Victor Baxter held their first annual Back To School Youth Rally in Eastman, Georgia. The event was a huge success with several people making professions of faith in Jesus Christ. Two groups traveled to Eastman to help canvas neighborhoods and work in the rally. They were a team of 13 from Park Crest Baptist Church in Springfield, Missouri, Pastor Phillip Housley, and Pastor James Richardson, his wife, Cathy, and Evangelist Eligah Moore from Living Water Baptist Church in Mobile, Alabama. Evangelist Marvin Del Collins from Valdosta, Georgia, also helped with canvassing during the week.
There were approximately 130 people who attended the youth rally where free food and school supplies where provided. The Park Crest and Living Water teams were also able to take part in TVBT’s Nursing Home Ministry at Heart of Georgia Nursing Home where they have been averaging approximately 30 people in attendance and have witnessed several people saved. The following day 32 people attended their initial Sunday morning service where five people made professions of faith in Christ. “I can’t express the gratitude I feel towards everyone who traveled great distances to be a part of what God is doing in Eastman. It is truly a picture of the love of Christ in action. Everybody did a tremendous job with great enthusiasm,” says Baxter.
Trinity Village Baptist Temple is a new church plant in Eastman, Georgia. Victor Baxter was presented by the NCPO as an approved church planter at the Fall BBFI National Fellowship in Richton Park, Illinois. Living Water Baptist Church, Mobile, Alabama is their sending church. Pastor Vic and his family arrived in Eastman on July 3. Since their arrival they have had over 35 professions of faith in Jesus Christ. Baxter states, “Eastman is a town where the ground is very fertile and people are hungry for the truth of God’s Word. People are hearing and responding to the word of God. This youth rally and the nursing home ministry is evidence of this. There has not been a week since we arrived in Eastman where we haven’t seen someone saved!”
Please pray that God continues to build his church in Eastman, Georgia, and pray for the Baxter family. If you would like to partner with the Baxters and the work in Eastman prayerfully and/or financially, you can contact him at (478) 231-5164. His mailing address is:
Victor Baxter, Pastor; Trinity Village Baptist Temple; P.O. Box 4278, Eastman, GA 31023.