A Biblical Mandate to Stand with the Jewish People
His name was Haman. Four centuries before the birth of Christ, he rose to power as a high official in the Persian Empire. His hatred of the Jewish people was neither political nor strategic—it was purely a hatred of “them.” In his blind rage, he devised a plan to annihilate all the Jews of the empire.
But God intervened.
Through the faith and courage of a young Jewish woman named Esther, God preserved His people. Though Haman’s scheme was thwarted, his legacy of anti-Semitic hatred has persisted throughout history. From the unspeakable horrors of the Holocaust, where six million Jews perished at the hands of the Nazis, to the October 7, 2023, terrorist attack by Hamas, in which innocent men, women, and children were murdered in their homeland simply for being Jewish, the spirit of Haman remains alive in the world today.
President of Boston Baptist College, David Melton, shared, “In the face of such evil, Christians cannot remain silent.” He added, “At Boston Baptist College, we teach our students that the Bible is not just history—it is our guide for action today. The story of Esther is not merely a record of past deliverance but a call to faithfulness in the present. It is no coincidence that God placed Esther in the palace at that exact moment in history, and it is no coincidence that we, as Bible-believing Christians, are alive today. We must ask ourselves: Have we been brought to this moment “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14)?”
A Historic Gathering on the Boston Baptist College Campus
It was with this biblical conviction that Boston Baptist College hosted a historic event on Monday, March 10, 2025. Benjamin Sharoni, the Consul General of Israel to New England, joined the faculty, students, sympathetic Christians, and Baptist Bible Fellowship leaders for two hours of candid conversation, mutual encouragement, and an affirmation of Christian friendship with the Jewish people.
This event was the culmination of much planning. In January, Melton met with Counsel General Sharoni in his office. What was expected to be a brief diplomatic meeting became something much deeper—a conversation between two men who understood the gravity of this moment in history.
Melton told him plainly, “It would do your soul good to sit down in private with a group of Christians who, like me, are truly trying to follow the teachings of Jesus. I think you’d be amazed at the deep love you would see.”
After weeks of careful planning, that meeting happened. It was not a press event. It was not a political rally. It was a gathering of sincere Christians who love the Jewish people because they love the Word of God.
Honest Dialogue, Deep Convictions
From the moment Counsel General Sharoni entered the room, it was clear that this was not a typical diplomatic function. There was hesitation at first—understandably so. He does not regularly address evangelical Christian audiences. But as the conversation unfolded, it became evident that he was among friends.
There was emotion in the room. “We heard him describe waking up on a ‘typical’ Shabbat morning on October 7, 2023, to rocket sirens and rushing with neighbors to a safe room,” Tracy Roby, BBFI 1st Vice President, said. “We heard his shock that much of the world blames Israel for the devastation in Gaza rather than the terrorists who caused it.”
At other times, there was laughter. There was even a moment of lighthearted humor when Melton asked if he could give a “Judaism for Dummies” lesson. Mr. Sharoni grinned and replied, “Judaism isn’t for dummies!”
The event included a special tribute from two Boston Baptist College students, twins Jamie and Jonah LeDuc, who sang the Israeli national anthem in Hebrew. Randy Harp, Director of the BBFI Central Office, shared, “As the words of “Hatikvah” (which means “The Hope”) filled the room, I knew this wasn’t just another gathering.”
At the close of the meeting, Boston Baptist College presented Mr. Sharoni with a simple but deeply significant gift—an engraved plaque that read “Christian Friends.”
Reflections from BBFI Leadership
Tracy Roby, BBFI 1st Vice President and former Boston Baptist College trustee, shared his appreciation for the sincerity of the conversation:
“Mr. Sharoni’s passion runs deep. He feels the pain of what it has meant historically to be Jewish. It was obvious that he was appreciative of our meeting. He now knows that we genuinely care.”
Jon Haley, BBFI President, described the meeting as unforgettable:
“It was amazing listening to an Israeli diplomat share firsthand what the life of an Israeli is like today.”
Final Reflections
Melton concluded, “As Christians, we must not stand idly by while modern-day Hamans rise again. We must act in obedience to Scripture and stand with the people to whom God made an everlasting covenant (Genesis 12:3). This is not about politics; it is not about the policies of Israel or any government. It is about people—God’s covenant people. Find a way to meet your Jewish neighbors. Find a way to look them in the eyes and say, “I’m a Christian; I won’t be silent while you are under attack.” Educate yourself on the issues from credible sources. For heaven’s sake, learn about the Holocaust; every Jewish person I’ve ever met would engage in a conversation with you about it. They will be taken aback to know that you care enough to get informed. It’s a start. It’s something. It’s important. Maybe we American Christians are here “for such a time as this.”
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