I am thankful for Phil Housley and Park Crest Baptist Church. Their staff and church volunteers went above and beyond and made us feel like honored guests. The music, preaching, and breakout sessions were challenging, encouraging, and inspiring. I drove away from Springfield, thankful I attended the BBFI National meeting. As I reflect on the Fellowship meeting, three words come to mind.
1. Family
I am thankful I am a part of the family. Attending a Fellowship meeting often feels like a family reunion. There is the crazy uncle everyone tries to avoid. If you don’t know who the crazy uncle in your family is, it is probably you. Honestly, though, I grew up calling Jim Baize Uncle Jim. The 2nd VP of the BBFI, Kevin Carson, was my RA in Smith Dorm. Brian and Renee Grey asked me to teach the first through third grade Sunday school class at Park Crest while I was a student at BBC. Phil and Stephanie Housley taught us in the newly married class while we attended BBC and served at Park Crest. I am thankful for the family I have in the Baptist Bible Fellowship.
2. Faithful
Faithful men and women of God are a staple of the BBFI. I talked with the Griswolds (not about their vacation), Sparks, Autersons, Randalls, Gillmings, Downs, Ed Holland, and the MOOSE, to name a few. Wednesday morning ended with the showing of the documentary on the life of Lavern Rodgers. WOW! The video is inspiring and reveals this fellowship has one of the most faithful missionary forces in the world.
3. Fruitful
The numbers are staggering. Jon Konnerup reported we have over 18,000 men and women in biblical training through our missionaries worldwide. In addition, the BBFI has started over 21,000 churches outside the United States. The mission’s office reported 1,198,489 saved worldwide in the past ten years. Randy Abell, BBFI 3rd VP, reported over 30 BBFI churches started in the US over the past five years.
I am excited and humbled to be a part of this unique fellowship. I pray God will allow us to see Him do even more in the future.