Are you buys? Most people are. The weeks leading up to our print deadline always get pretty intense. We are still learning our new “normal” as we manage
the entire Communication Office with two men. We are working on revamping our website. We are preparing to start distribution of two e-newsletters. We are consistently updating our mobile app. We are editing videos from the BBFI meeting. We are planning our second season of the BBFI Coaching Network. We are on the phone encouraging pastors and missionaries. On top of the work at the Tribune we are also in mid-term week for the courses I am teaching at BBC. We are making final preparations for the on-campus visit from HLC (one of BBC’s accrediting agencies) with lots of meetings. I am meeting and advising with the pastoral major students. When I can squeeze in the time I am also working on writing my doctoral dissertation. I haven’t even mentioned my travel schedule or the small group I lead at my local church. Did I mention we are all busy?
In addition to that crazy schedule, my wife and children want to spend a little bit of time with me, for which I am thankful. Can I share a secret with you? I can’t do it all, at least not every day. Something is going to get cheated. A long time ago I made a commitment that I would not make that my family. As much as I enjoy being the BBFI Communication Director, you could find another. As much as I enjoy teaching and serving with the administration at BBC, they could easily find another. As much as I enjoy traveling to your churches and preaching for you, you can find another. But when it comes to being a husband or a father, neither my wife nor my kids will find another. I believe whole-heartedly that my first ministry, my first priority is my family.
The primary theme of this issue is on family. I pray that it is an encouragement and reminder of the importance of family ministry and how the church should partner with the family. This issue also recaps the outstanding BBFI national meeting in Owasso, OK. Thank you again to Linzy Slayden, the great staff, and all the members of Friendship Baptist Church for hosting a great meeting. We also share reports of the BBFI’s work, specifically in Houston, in disaster relief. It truly is amazing what God can do when we all work together in unity. As always, thank you for allowing me to serve Christ as I serve you.