
by Eddie Lyons

Easter is about much more than one historic event. The resurrection of the Son of God and his ascension to the right hand of the Father set in motion the restoration of all things. Jesus, through his church, is leading history to its redemptive conclusion.

Resurrection is not just about having more time to live. Who wants to live forever in a world where things stay the same as they currently are? In our fallen state, sin disrupts everything.

The resurrection of Jesus is the unfolding of a plan where God is moving to restore righteousness and bring healing to all of creation. In this new kingdom, injustice and violence will be no more. There will be no more sickness. The blind will see, the lame will walk, and special-needs kids will no longer live with their disabilities. It will be a time where we will be safe and secure, where even the lamb will lay down with the lion, and death no longer exists.

As a fellowship of churches, we get to be part of the grand plan of the ages. When we come together and share reports, we catch a glimpse of the big picture of what God is doing. The power of the resurrection is at work and we get to watch and be part of it. So, no matter how hard your ministry is, no matter how difficult the challenges you face, remember we are on the move. What Jesus set in motion when he rose from the grave is still at work in our ministries. Like a mighty warrior, Jesus came to rescue mankind and to defeat both sin and death. It was the plan of the ages. The rescue of an eternal God.