By Jon Haley, pastor of Hallmark Baptist Church, Fort Worth, TX
Read Proverbs 3.
There is a big difference between knowledge and wisdom. During my freshman year in Bible college, I lived in a dorm full of 18- and 19-year-old guys. Many of them knew a lot about the Bible, but I can assure you there was very little wisdom. Knowledge relates to facts you have learned. Wisdom is the ability to put that knowledge to good use. Knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom is knowing when to say it. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
The most quoted verses from Proverbs 3 are most likely verses 5 and 6. Although those are two incredible verses, I want to focus on the first eight words of verse 7. “Do not be wise in your own eyes.” In many ways, the enemy of wisdom is pride. Pride keeps us from seeking God. Pride keeps us from searching for wisdom. Pride keeps us from pulling the car over and asking for directions.
To fear Yahweh is to stand in a subservient position to Him, to acknowledge one’s dependence upon Him. Click To TweetThe path to wisdom is found in a proper fear of God. David Jeremiah writes in his book, Overcomer, “To fear Yahweh is to stand in a subservient position to Him, to acknowledge one’s dependence upon Him.” This definition leads us to understand that fear of God is found in humility. We must admit we are not in control, and we must not lean on our own understanding. Pride is an enemy of wisdom, and humility is a catalyst to gain wisdom. Therefore, don’t be a wise guy!
Reflective Questions:
- In what areas of your life do you find yourself being a “wise guy?”
- How can you pursue humility?
- Can you honestly say you have a proper “fear of God?” How is that shown on a daily basis?
Memory Verse:
Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. Proverbs 3:7
Dear God, thank you that I do not have to lean on my own understanding and can trust that you are in complete control. Help me to depend on you every day.
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Thanks Jon, good thoughts for today
“Pride is an enemy of wisdom and humility is a catalyst to gain wisdom.” Amen, Jon.