Planting a church requires gifts that are imperative and can only be supplied by the Holy Spirit. It is not necessary to have all of these gifts in their fullness, but I would say to be e ective it is necessary to develop them as much as possible. Dr. Charles Ridley has developed a list of 13 characteristics of the church planter. I want to discuss the top six that he has called the “knock out” categories needed in the ber of the church planter.
Vision Capacity. This involves creating clarity that relates to the church’s mission and vision.
Motivation. This is the ability to create within the body cooperation and a willingness to self-start and work from nothing while moving forward together.
Creating Ownership. This is the ability to help people feel the responsibility of growth by creating ownership of the ministry and gaining a commitment.
Relating to the Un-churched. This should be done in a manner that breaks through the natural barriers between the churches and the un-churched.
Family. Keeping the priorities between ministry and family separate make for the di erence between failure and success … no family, no ministry.
Building Relationships. Getting to know people on a personal basis can be the greatest challenge for a church planter. Spending time with members and nonmembers alike is a major focus.