Recently, a group of ministry leaders from all over the country with varying degrees of local restrictions met via Zoom to discuss ideas on ministering effectively this Christmas season while still cautiously considering COVID-19 and the health and well-being of those they are serving. A replay of the Zoom conference can be watched below or by visiting the BBFI YouTube page by clicking here.
Here is a sampling of some of the creative ideas shared …
Children’s ministry ideas
- Prerecord a children’s Christmas play/choir to share on social media.
- Renting a local movie theater for a children’s movie to provide a parent’s night out.
Christmas Eve service ideas
- Livestreaming candlelight Christmas Eve service, have candles available at church the week before Christmas. For those that do not have internet, they can still attend Christmas Eve service.
- Promoting watch parties for Christmas Eve service. During the service, there is something for everyone, all age groups. The goal is to make the service as interactive as possible (not just something to watch).
- Christmas Eve service is a live Zoom call where everyone can sing Christmas carols together.
Sermon series ideas
- Christmas at the Movies sermon series with cookies, hot chocolate, hot cider available during each service.
Serving your church family
- Delivering Christmas gift bags for those not currently attending in-person services. Gift bags include snacks, candles for Christmas Eve service, Christmas devotional from The Daily Bread, music CDs with church music, and elements for communion service.
- Buying pies and delivering to the elderly that cannot attend church.
- Providing an online daily devotion live on Facebook throughout the month of December.
- Provide everyone in the church a “Christmas in a Box.” Each box includes a QR code with a link to the Christmas Eve service, candles for the Christmas Eve service, a copy of The Purpose of Christmas, and a children’s Christmas book.
Community service ideas
- Joining the community by the church in a community parade.
- Help serve a local orphanage by providing Christmas gifts.
- Each Saturday during December, hosting family events on the church property with train rides, games, photo locations, and various vendors. It also includes a prayer tent for spiritual needs. This is a free event, but each weekend there is a request to provide a donation for a local charity (one with canned goods, one week toys, one week other food). Those in need are given new bedding such as sheets, pillows, towels, etc.
Other Christmas ideas
- Drive-through nativity, including cocoa and cookies for those that drive-through.
- Rent a local movie theater to show a Christmas movie (Elf).
- Focus on small group gatherings rather than any large Christmas events.
- Create a new Facebook page called Christmas at Home. Everyday post to this new page suggested ideas to do with your family (from things in the home to local Christmas lights to look at).
- Samaritan’s Purse Christmas shoeboxes.
- Create a Christmas village in the church’s parking lot, including a drive-through Christmas light show. Include a large photo booth area where you can even be in your car for a photo.