Can You Really Change?
Is it possible to truly change? If so, where do we get the power to change? […]
Is it possible to truly change? If so, where do we get the power to change? […]
One of the largest biblical counseling ministries in the United States faces an unprecedented attack against its ability to offer counsel and do pastoral ministry. As those who want to help individuals in your homes, […]
Regardless of where you are or what you are doing in terms of your church or life generally, what is your hope? World peace. Better health. Stay fit. Healthy eating. Weight loss. Regular exercise. Financial […]
Praying for other Christians is one of the sweetest benefits of being part of the church. God provides us a community of people with whom we get to share life. What a great privilege to […]
Regardless of the size of your community, your testimony and love for your community impacts your ministry to them. If you are a Christ-follower, very few things in life are more important than loving your […]
Your spiritual growth would be much easier if there was just one thing that could help you grow, unlock your spiritual life, or relieve the burden of daily struggle. Just one thing – a magic cure, […]
Most people find it difficult to adjust to change. Living in a broken world with life’s expected and unexpected suffering, loss, and tragedies, how are we to respond? The Bible teaches we should have appropriate […]
As we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, I have heard people ask, “Why is this important to us?” The five main doctrines around which the Reformers united stem from the very gospel that impacts daily living. […]
by Kevin Carson A. Almost everyone has “difficult” people in life — a family member, coworker, neighbor, church member, teacher, student, or friend — with a multitude of peculiarities and/or potentially sinful behaviors. So how […]
by Kevin Carson A. As the news broke that Disney’s new live-action Beauty and the Beast includes the company’s first-ever portrayal of an openly gay character, many parents, although not necessarily surprised, responded with shock […]
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