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Shaking the nations: Part II

by Keith Bassham Last month in this column I spoke of the Shaking of the Nations, and I wondered what “shaking” might take place before I wrote again. I did not know the shaking would […]

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The shaking of the nations

by Keith Bassham A few days after the Egyptian protests, a friend asked me about a Noel Smith essay, “The Shaking of the Nations.” I remem­bered it just a little, and after checking the archives, […]

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The Tribune is worthwhile

by Keith Bassham There is a reason why automobile windshields are so much larg­er than rearview mirrors — and the Fellowship’s forward look should always be correspondingly larger. That does not, however, mean we ignore […]

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Print is dead…really?

by Keith Bassham One of my favorite cartoons is a picture of a crowd standing around a newsstand, each person holding a newspaper with the headline, “EXTRA — Print Is Dead!” Despite what you may […]

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Is it time to celebrate Advent?

by Keith Bassham I think I’ve mentioned this before, but working a month ahead on a magazine gives me a headache around the holidays. The Novem­ber election was just a few days ago, and we’ve […]

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1960 also an important year

by Keith Bassham About this time 60 years ago, preachers and church members were planning to take a trip to Springfield to celebrate the opening day of Baptist Bible College. For those excited founders, the […]

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by Keith Bassham Last year, Fellowship pastors made a constitutional change that made our summer more interesting. The change moved the national officers’ election from September to early summer and elim­inated the mailed-out ballots. Ballots […]

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We’re celebrating our birthday June 23

by Keith Bassham Sixty years ago about this time, preachers and churches were ratch­eting up their efforts to open a new Bible college, to organize some type of rational and systematic approach to missions, and […]