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Help us balance the books

by Keith Bassham I am taking an Accounting Concepts for Managers course these days, and so I am paying more attention than usual to the flow of numbers and reports from the business side of […]

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This Tribune is about the Tribune

by Keith Bassham Pardon us as the Tribune departs a little from its mission this month. We generally talk about the Fellowship with little self-awareness, but this month we’re talking up the Tribune. The feature […]

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A new year

by Keith Bassham If 2011 was the year of the King James Bible (it was the 400th anniversary year as we noted), I was thinking why not make 2012 your own personal Year of the […]

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The bare arm of God

by Keith Bassham The LORD hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.” (Isaiah 52:10) I […]

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So long, Don

by Keith Bassham I said, “So long,” to an old friend earlier today. Former Assistant to the BBFI Mission Director Don Brown passed away a few days ago, and deadline or no, I felt I […]

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Saved as by fire

by Keith Bassham Drought-stricken Texas has been ravaged by fire the past few weeks, and fires, being what they are, have no respect for the sacredness we attribute to buildings dedicated to worship. Horizon Baptist […]

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by Keith Bassham Though the Tribune covers Baptist Bible Fellowship mission  work each month, one of our better traditions is to take one  issue of the Tribune every year and devote it almost entirely to […]

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by Keith Bassham Financial conditions may be tight, but I have observed nothing resembling a slowdown going on among the churches fellow­shipping through the BBFI this summer. Just after an encouraging meeting in May in […]

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by Keith Bassham Two features dominate the Tribune this month. First is the report on the May Graduation Fellowship Week. We report not only what happened but also some impressions from several who attended. The […]

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I’m all in

by Keith Bassham I mentioned to my wife this morning that 35 years ago today she and I were preparing to leave Springfield for our first post-college ministry in Texas. I cannot remember if I […]