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Focus on the Tribune in February

by Keith Bassham On the northwest side of metro Atlanta, Shiloh Hills Baptist Church of Kennesaw, GA, and Pastor Vic Bledsoe will be our hosts when the Baptist Bible Fellowship makes the annual trek south […]

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2013 is here

by Keith Bassham Nearly 38 years ago to the day, in just about this spot in the Tribune, Wendell Zimmerman was introducing himself to the Fellowship as the new Tribune editor. He chose to include […]

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by Keith Bassham I have lamented more than once in this column the requirements and limitations of a monthly publishing schedule in the matter of current news. Since we last went to the printer’s, we […]

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Thankful for what and to whom?

by Keith Bassham A couple of years ago during the Thanksgiving season, it came to me that a lot of people in media were talking about thankfulness and being thankful and the need for being […]

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2012 and beyond

by Keith Bassham The world was swirling as the Tribune went to press this month. The Democrats and Republicans had just finished their nominating conventions. The Middle East, always near the flash point, is making […]

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The reason we are here

by Keith Bassham Drought, fires, and violence have fueled news headlines this past month. All we need is a swarm of locusts to make our day near-apocalyptic, and the political noise may be a reasonable […]

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Andy Griffith 1926-2012

by Keith Bassham A long with a few million others, I grieved this past month at the passing of Andy Griffith. Not that I idolized him or anything like that. Nor did I consider him […]

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A new day

by Keith Bassham I admit it. I do some cheerleading for our Fellowship and the institutions within. I am a firm believer in the maxim expressed by one of Louis L’Amour’s characters, “I take the […]

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The May issue

by Keith Bassham S everal years ago we adopted an 11-issue publishing schedule that creates some confusion this time of year. This magazine, the May issue, goes to the printer at the regular time, but […]

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Honored to serve

by Keith Bassham I began attending church to be near a pastor’s daughter during my teens. That decision led to another to become a Christian, and a later one to enter the ministry, and so […]