Let the record show…
Reading about the history of the Baptist Bible Fellowship International by Doug Kutilek It is tragic when a people, a nation, a civilization, a church, or a religious movement neglects the study of its own […]
Reading about the history of the Baptist Bible Fellowship International by Doug Kutilek It is tragic when a people, a nation, a civilization, a church, or a religious movement neglects the study of its own […]
by Doug Kutilek When a boy was born into the Criswell home in Eldorado, OK, in December 1909, the parents named him W. A. — just initials, no names. Only years later, when a passport […]
The most quoted preacher of the 20th century by Doug Kutilek Vance Havner (1901-1986) was one of a kind. He was born in rural North Carolina some dozen miles south of the town of Hickory. His […]
by Doug Kutilek Frank W. Boreham (1871-1959), a native of England and raised by devout Christian parents, attended school through age 14, worked for wages for several years, and then went to London hoping to […]
by Doug Kutilek Each man called of God into the ministry has his own field of labor from God: He gives some to be pastors, some missionaries, some evangelists, some teachers, and some writers. Of […]
by Doug Kutilek “There is nothing like the Greek New Testament to rejuvenate the world, which came out of the Dark Ages with the Greek Testament in its hands.” – A. T. Robertson One thousand, […]
pastor, scholar, professor by Doug Kutilek When Thomas Armitage published A History of the Baptists in 1887, he chose to place on the cover an embossed, gilded portrait of John Albert Broadus (1827-1895) as the […]
Scholar and Pastor by Doug Kutilek Throughout the 1600s and well into the 1700s, formally college-trained scholars were rare among English Baptists. Not because Baptists lacked men of intelligence or were particularly anti-intellectual, but because […]
Baptist historian by Doug Kutilek Though almost none of us includes them in our list of “favorite Baptists,” the Baptist historians collectively and individually have us greatly in their debt. This small army of dedicated […]
by Doug Kutilek We all have sung– “Come thou fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing thy praise!
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