Feature Article

Reasons for the Baptist Bible Fellowship

The following is from the very first issue of the Baptist Bible Tribune. It is rerun here in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the BBFI. This article was written by the new Tribune editor, Noel Smith. […]

Feature Article

The Split … the Fight … the Break

The following is taken from “The Beginnings: A Pictorial History of the Baptist Bible Fellowship, Volume 1,” written by Billy Vick Bartlett. It tells of the birth of the Baptist Bible Fellowship International during the week of May 22-24. […]

Feature Article

2020 BBFI National Officer Election

As a result of the global coronavirus pandemic, the May National Meeting of the BBFI to be held on the campus of Baptist Bible College May 4-7, 2020 will not take place. One important activity […]

Feature Article

State Fellowships Meet All Across the Country

An integral part of the health of the Baptist Bible Fellowship is in the health of the state and regional fellowships. Many states meet monthly. Some have moved to hosting a combination of state-wide meetings, regional within their state, and regional, including several states. In the month of October, several states have had very successful meetings. Some featured guests from outside their state, others included speakers from within their state and one experimented in hosting an online meeting. […]

Feature Article

Michigan BBF Offers Challenge to Other State Fellowship

During the business meeting, the Michigan BBF voted to give $1,000 each to Baptist Bible College, Boston Baptist College, and the Baptist Bible Tribune. They are also doing an additional $1,000 matching gift to Baptist Bible College to encourage the churches in the state to give to BBC. The Michigan BBF is also challenging other state fellowships to make similar gifts and to encourage the churches in their states to give. […]