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Worldwide Missions

Pray ye therefore

by Jon Konnerup On one trip I made to East Asia, I had the opportunity to spend time with a group of young people. Their passion to reach the unreached was exciting and challenging. As […]

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Worldwide Missions

The mission of God

by Jon Konnerup God commanded the church to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. When unbelievers hearts are changed through our obedience of sharing the gospel with them, God’s glory is exponentially […]

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Worldwide Missions

Missionary kids

by Jon Konnerup It is said that each year five percent of the worldwide missionary force returns home and resigns, yet 70 percent of these cases are preventable. If we take a more proactive approach […]

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Worldwide Missions

Candidate School 2013

by Jon Konnerup Throughout the 63-year history of the Baptist Bible Fellowship International, a passion for bringing the lost people of the world to a saving faith in Christ has been exhibited. This desire is […]

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Worldwide Missions

Missionary care. Do we?

by Steve Bender Satan fights against missionaries and their ministries by plant­ing in their minds the question, “Does anyone really care about me?” During these trials it is reassuring to know, “Yes, not only does […]

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Worldwide Missions

Missionary Care: Part three

by Jon Konnerup Missionary Care, when done well, provides a strategic way to ful­fill both the Great Commandment and the Great Commission — strengthening missionaries to effectively love people, evangeliz­ing, discipling, and planting churches, as […]

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Worldwide Missions

Missionary care: Part two

by Jon Konnerup Last month’s article closed with some very specific questions regarding the effectiveness of our Fellowship in caring for, retain­ing, and attracting missionaries. • Do we adequately provide care for our people serving […]

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Worldwide Missions

Missionary projects and missionary care

by Jon Konnerup In the mid-1970s, the Fellowship established the Missionary Proj­ects Offering (MPO) to raise funds to help missionaries purchase or build homes and churches on the mission field. Since then, donors have given […]

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Worldwide Missions

The task before us

by Jon Konnerup I recently read of the term gospel inequality — the free access to the gospel that most people in the Western world enjoy but that billions in other places do not. It […]