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Boston Baptist College Update

Hard to find the words

by David Melton Words typically come pretty easy for me. I’ve never been “the life of the party,” so I suspect I’m a little below average when it comes to the spoken word (a painful […]

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Boston Baptist College Update

Open mic

by David Melton Scary! Any event where people have access to the mic to say what they want to say — open mic — can go just about anywhere. We do open mic here at […]

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Boston Baptist College Update

Ad Maiora

by David Melton Forty of us from Boston Baptist College just returned from our study trip to Italy. Study trips lead up to the culmination of a great year of study. It’s hard to top […]

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Boston Baptist College Update

Saying “Goodbye” … to winter

by David Melton It will officially be springtime by the time you read this. But if you sit where I do, right now, springtime is a dream. Boston has experienced the snowiest six weeks on […]

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Boston Baptist College Update


by David Melton Everybody has them. Our own, personal favorites. I don’t know if I’ve ever met anybody that would go to an ice cream shop and just say, “Give me some ice cream.” Nope. […]

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Boston Baptist College Update


by David Melton We have a long-standing family tradition. After Christmas shopping, we reconnect with our auto mechanic. Okay, so that is a positive spin for the reality — it seems like in the middle […]

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Boston Baptist College Update

15 minutes

by David Melton I guess Andy Warhol said it. Back in 1968 he quipped that “in the future” everybody would be famous “for 15 minutes.” In this year of ‘15, Warhol’s prophecy seems to have […]

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Boston Baptist College Update

A burger in Boston

by David Melton This is a season of feasting. To hear New Englanders tell it, we virtually invented turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. Who doesn’t love Thanksgiving — the meal and the event? But I […]

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Boston Baptist College Update

Not for the faint of heart

by David Melton I like to laugh. In fact, I’m pretty sensitive to the reality that many of us, as we grow older, can become rather humorless, and I want no part of that! When […]