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Boston Baptist College Update


One hundred years ago, almost to this very day, Boston experienced a great tragedy, one so odd that almost no locals even know about it.  It’s called the Great Molasses Flood.  In early 1919 a […]

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Boston Baptist College Update

Praying Like Jesus Did

If you run a ministry college in the 21stcentury I’m pretty sure you pray.  I do. I’ve often said that we pray “best” in a crisis, so my college work makes me prolific, sort of!  But […]

Boston Baptist College Update

Don’t Sneeze

You know the old joke, “Don’t Sneeze or you’ll miss it!”  Little towns have been the brunt of a lot of wise cracks.  I’m a “big city” guy – I admit it…at least I like […]

Boston Baptist College Update


I recently had a discussion with a health professional about my diet. I’ll spare you the details, but basically, I was told that I am more of a man than I should be! When asked […]

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Boston Baptist College Update

Holiday Season in Boston

I would dare say if you ask alumni of Boston how they would characterize our college community, most of them would use the word “family.” This college has a remarkable sense of community, and that’s […]

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Boston Baptist College Update


by David Melton I’m a history guy, not only by innate interest but by training, so I always cringe when a student here in Boston gives me the “I don’t like history” line.  Ugh.  I […]

Boston Baptist College Update

Three Guys and a Calculator

Carl, Bob and Tim know tedium. At our church, these good men are our offering counters. Week after week, though most people never know it, they count and double check what hits the offering basket. […]

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Boston Baptist College Update

Mrs. Malone

by David Melton Jewell Malone. You have never heard of her. But I knew her. Mrs. Malone was the first Sunday school teacher I can remember. I was four years old. She was already a […]