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Boston Baptist College Update

Weeds (not weed!)

by David Melton We have a problem at Boston Baptist College, weeds. Not any­thing illegal, you understand…our problem is just undesir­able weeds. It was a long hot summer in New England — more typical of […]

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President Perspective

Opportunity to unite

by Mark Hodges Expect great things; attempt great things” was stated by Wil­liam Carey in a sermon to the Baptist Association meeting in Northampton, England, May 30, 1792. Carey used the statement to urge his […]

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Church Planting

Rebuilding a State Fellowship

by Wayne Guinn It’s been exciting to work with the Iowa state fellowship and their refocus on church planting. Vernell Lott, who recently complet­ed the NCPO Church Planting School, is birthing a church in Des […]

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Boston Baptist College Update

I watched a brawl last night

by David Melton I am not much of a fight fan. I like peace and tranquility. But brawls between major league baseball teams usually make me smile. I watched one last night on TV. It […]

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Baptist Bible College Update

Part of what God is doing

by Jim Edge In just a few short days, students will begin to return to the campus of Baptist Bible College. I get excited about opening day because it is like a holiday with students […]

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President Perspective

God, bless America

by Mark Hodges W e have been so blessed by God to live in such a wonderful country. I have already been in eight foreign countries this year representing the Lord and our Fellowship. There […]

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Worldwide Missions

What’s the point?

by Jon Konnerup T his is a question often asked by today’s Christian young people when brought face to face with the need to carry the gospel to the regions beyond us. If we can […]

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Church Planting

New church plant in Iowa

by Wayne Guinn Vernell Lott, sponsored by Pastor Randy Abel and the Iowa BBF, attended the NCPO Church Planting School last fall. Vernell, along with his wife (Latisha), son (Vernell Josiah), and daughter (VerLayna), have […]

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Baptist Bible College Update

Priority: to model the Savior’s heart

by Jim Edge I believe every individual who chooses more education will be better prepared to serve the Lord. While some may say that through edu­cation we can improve the world, I understand that believers […]